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Charlesinrichmond OP t1_j6jvfen wrote

This is probably a good idea. It's been proposed a lot over the years I gather but gets push back


gamerthrowaway_ t1_j6jy42w wrote

Just want to point out, it's really hard to swallow the idea that they can (let alone should) close 5 schools (specifically 3 elementary schools) and then blow the cash to rebuild Fox in the middle of a premier upper class neighborhood...


BureauOfBureaucrats t1_j6k5s3p wrote

It’s also hard to swallow the fact we wouldn’t even need to replace Fox at all had RPS and the City been competent.

Living here several years has demonstrated over and over again this city does not value competence or basic upkeep.


heraus t1_j6k9dej wrote

Young proposes a version of this every once in a while and my bet is that he simply aims to drive a broader conversation that speaks to efficiencies. He likes to ruffle feathers. Closing (all) those 5 schools, specifically, isn't going to happen, but having the discussion could still be helpful in other ways. Me, I'm not a fan of closing schools for several reasons...And certainly someone other than Young himself would need to study which if any schools would even be up for discussion.


Charlesinrichmond OP t1_j6lbzqz wrote

Let's not forget that fox is a good school. RVA needs to keep good schools. Get rid of all the good schools and we will actually be an even worse shape


RVAnus t1_j6mo69r wrote

The fact that you are getting down voted for this just goes to show how detached from reality some folks on here are.

I'd be very curious to know how many of them have kids in RPS or actually talk to RPS teachers or admin.


RVAperson9 t1_j6nzf5n wrote

I assume Fox would be rebuilt with an insurance claim


throwingutah t1_j6otw14 wrote

Apparently it's short by a few million and they're going to have trouble talking them into it because alarm panels and whatnot.


RVAperson9 t1_j6p59wr wrote

Gotcha, I haven't really followed what happened or anything since then, just knew it burned. Even still, a few million could be better than what it would cost to rehab other schools.


anarkie119 t1_j6ki21j wrote

The bullshit here is the city has plenty of money. Check the surplus and the rainy day fund. They had tens of millions of new money for police last year. What Young wants to do is close schools and open charters, and demonize collective bargaining. Check this parent's reflection on the potential closure:


BureauOfBureaucrats t1_j6knpu5 wrote

That is the most thoughtful write-up on this issue I’ve read.

I agree with regards to the community centers and the surplus. This is why I cannot trust the city; they’re always speaking a double narrative. We’re either too broke to afford schools or we’re flush enough to afford tax rebates. We can’t have it both ways.


55V35lM t1_j6kf5sr wrote

RPS usually doesn’t embrace suggestions related to efficiently managing their school buildings - they seem to prefer to poorly maintain as many buildings as possible (and need to have unused buildings on hand when one is unexpectedly closed for mold or fire damage - true story).