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BlizzardLizard555 t1_j5u16kf wrote

After 9 months of unemployment, I finally got a job offer today!


Horror-Fisherman-575 t1_j5tcbr3 wrote

Good morning!

Yesterday I had an errand to run at Stony Point Mall. Bought something at Dillards. I truly enjoyed being the only customer in sight. Like having my own private mall.


MrBillyRattlelance t1_j5te25c wrote

It’s remarkable how absolutely desolate that place is


lennybriscoforthewin t1_j5tjp0p wrote

But it's such an attractive place. I wish something was happening with it. I went to the pop ups near Christmas there and it was so nice.


YellowOrange t1_j5tkeri wrote

You should have seen it at the height of COVID! It was...actually not all that different from any other time.


Horror-Fisherman-575 t1_j5telse wrote

It’s surreal! I’d expected it, but it was still surprising to see no other shoppers. It kind of makes me want to go back! I hate malls, generally, but it was nice to have the full attention of the salesperson and the luxury of not feeling rushed.


StandClear1 t1_j5to7xw wrote

Yeah it’s wild. I really enjoyed that place. Interested to see where it goes


thoselongsleeves t1_j5tl9po wrote

That Dillards is my go-to for work clothes. If I shop off-season, the big & tall department keeps me thoroughly covered.


booknerd951 t1_j5tgy73 wrote

Went to Circuit last night and once again the majority of machines seemed to be broken or malfunctioning. Bingo is fun but I go often. Anybody else have any suggestions where I can play some pinball?


Imheretosnoopatcats t1_j5tk0rm wrote

Good to see my complaint from a year ago about that garbage heap with beer is still accurate. So sad man, I get that parts are hard to get but after a year I stop taking that as an excuse. I love video games and beer and BINGO doesn't quite do it. Maybe someone will buy that place and fix it up


Flex_Bacontrim t1_j5tk32s wrote

Center of the universe in Ashland, the Richmond pinball collective in north Chesterfield are the most well maintained in the area. Check pinballmap for lineups!


TheCheeseDevil OP t1_j5thmsh wrote

When Circuit first opened that place was so much fun. Tried to go back and had the same experience :( everything I wanted to play was broken. I remember Fuzzy Cactus having pinball but I can't vouch for how operational they are.


Foxzez t1_j5tvk8b wrote

I enjoyed Draftcade in Short Pump and it's $10 for all you can play. I can't recall exactly how many pinball machines were there, but at least 5. I know it's a bit far away though.


popsrcr t1_j5tir2v wrote

Man, I went a year or so ago and found same. Too bad


Jesweez t1_j5tid8e wrote

> Up and at 'em

Holy shit

So it’s not, in fact, ‘up and Adam’



TheCheeseDevil OP t1_j5tih8p wrote

I'm fascinated by what 'up and Adam' could possibly mean


lycosid t1_j5tji9r wrote

It’s Adam and Eve not Adam and sleep.


Horror-Fisherman-575 t1_j5ttrwr wrote

Up and Steve! That’s my motto. Up and then a nap because getting up is too strenuous.


JWelchRVA804 t1_j5tkqjb wrote

A physics prof at my school had a huge “Up and atom” poster in his office. Puns seem to be the irresistible force all physicists can agree on.


BubbleWrapGuy t1_j5tz3iq wrote

It's also a Simpsons reference. It is the catchphrase of Radioactive Man.


JWelchRVA804 t1_j5u4tlw wrote

Did not know that! Didn’t have a television until I was 27… has impeded my performance when trivia MCs are very into the Simpsons.


NoFanksYou t1_j5u5i7g wrote

“Up and at ‘em” is the original. ( I’m old)


Horror-Fisherman-575 t1_j5ttl5c wrote

Up and get to work like you are the only human in existence, so like, you have to do everything before someone comes along to help - taking one of your own ribs in the process. It’s daunting!


Stitchmond t1_j5ttsf0 wrote

A few weeks ago I said "Up and atom" and people got in a tizzy because they didn't know it was a Simpsons reference. I recall the phrase "ignorant, misanthropic boob" being directed toward me.


popeboyQ t1_j5tndfq wrote

No work today!

I'm just going to lounge around, smoke something funny, watch something funny, and enjoy the rain.


123takeapissonme t1_j5tv821 wrote

After being in New York for 2 years I’m so excited to be moving back to RVA! Getting a spot at 2000 riverview. Stoked to be walking the river daily and annoying my partner by waking her ass up to go with me.


GrayRVA t1_j5td3og wrote

Did you hear? My alarm clock? It won’t shut up until I correctly answer a math question.


TheCheeseDevil OP t1_j5td6rs wrote

Wait, really?


GrayRVA t1_j5te36z wrote

Yep. I frequently hit snooze so much that my phone just stopped trying. Learned helplessness.


raindeerpie t1_j5ut908 wrote

Alarmy? i can choose between a math problem, shaking, memory game, typing phrases, squats, steps, or scan a barcode. i really wouldn't trust the picture to work though.


stickynohte t1_j5w83hg wrote

I use this as well but somehow turned it off and overslept. sigh


GrayRVA t1_j5uuajd wrote

Alarm Clock for Me if that’s what Alarmy calls itself. (I get the play on words.) The ads are god awful but I’m cheap and the trade off is fair.


raindeerpie t1_j5uwdta wrote

i think it's a different app. you might want to try alarmy. i don't notice any annoying ads. just some small ones that are easily ignored. nothing full screen or with any audio.


ifweweresharks t1_j5tbkx6 wrote

The sun was in my eyes going through the tolls on the downtown expressway, so I have that to look forward to now. Don’t worry, people will keep barreling towards it even though they can’t see shit.


JWelchRVA804 t1_j5tk0q6 wrote

Gorgeous sunrise this morning. “I’m standing by the window, where the light is strong…”


ChuckBS t1_j5te691 wrote

First day working from home with the new job. I only do it one day a week now, but honesty I’m good with that.


jodyhighrola t1_j5tgzbb wrote

I've been WFH for years now, and would love having just 1-2 days in office again per week. I just work from somewhere in public to itch that scratch (or scratch that itch?).


TheCheeseDevil OP t1_j5teaab wrote

Congrats! I made the working from home switch last August and never looked back.


ChuckBS t1_j5teeru wrote

It’s funny, I went from 100% remote to 4 out of five days in the office. It’s nice to be back around folks again.


TheCheeseDevil OP t1_j5tg0gt wrote

I can definitely see that. I thought I'd miss it, but I've come to realize I'm just not that kind of person. I like chilling with my friends and neighbors but don't miss being forced to socialize with other people there to get paid


ManBMitt t1_j5tg5of wrote

1 day a week makes a big difference! In my experience you start getting diminishing returns after that - 2 days a week is even better than 1, 3 days a week is maybe just a tiny bit better still, and 4-5 days per week are actually worse.

Then again, I actually like my job, office, and coworkers - so my experiences/preferences might be different from most others.


ChuckBS t1_j5tgrwf wrote

Yeah, at work I have my own office and can hide and work when I need. Working at home 5 days a week just made me feel disconnected from everyone I work with and everything I did. BUT that is just me.


ManBMitt t1_j5the73 wrote

My office is an “open office” type place which is the only reason I prefer 2 days/week there instead of 3 - but I do like being in the same place as my teammates on those two days!

I have also switched jobs a couple times in the last two years, and I can’t imagine trying to get up to speed while working fully remotely. I feel like I was able to get to a “full contributor” level at my current job within 2-3 months - probably would take me at least twice as long as that if I wasn’t able to have face-to-face conversations with my coworkers.


ChuckBS t1_j5thp0t wrote

I had no choice at the old job, I started a February 2020, they went remote at the end of March. I was JUST figuring out my role there, and had to learn everything else over the three years alone. So being in office this go around is a great fit for me


ManBMitt t1_j5tihrt wrote

Oof, that’s rough.

I have a friend who worked for a fast-growing tech startup throughout 2020 and 2021. They went permanently remote pretty early on, while also growing at a rapid pace. He was mentoring a handful of new hires (straight out of college), and it seemed like almost every one of them was having some sort of mental crisis due to the difficult onboarding and loneliness.

I think that’s the big thing people miss when talking about remote work. If you’ve been in your job for many years, it’s probably true that you can be just as effective while being 100% remote, because you know what to do and who you need to talk to. If you’re starting a new job but you’ve been in the workforce a while, it might take you a bit longer to get up to speed, but you’ll get there eventually.

But for those who are brand new in the workforce and don’t have that prior experience of building effective professional relationships, it’s really, really tough, and may end up having a long-term negative career impact as these new hires fail to thrive in their first real job.


geneb0322 t1_j5txflk wrote

I've been fully remote since 2015 and will find a different job if they try to get me to come into the office ever again. I don't miss it in the slightest. Maybe if I had a private office I could tolerate it, but we had moved to an open office plan so we didn't even get "private" cubicles anymore. It was torture.


drkev10 t1_j5v0aze wrote

Same I have zero interest in ever working in an office again. It would take a ridiculous pay raise to consider it.


geneb0322 t1_j5w3twr wrote

Yep... I'd be willing to come into the office a couple times a week if they bumped my salary up by $50,000 or so, but lacking that I'd be quickly on the job search if they pushed it.


scarletwitchx t1_j5unfr8 wrote

today is my birthday and i’m celebrating it the richmond real way by walking everywhere in the rain. i love my city


gracetw22 t1_j5u25xx wrote

I have my first parent teacher conference today and I would say my stress level is up there with going to be deposed for a court case. There is a part of me that is convinced I’m going to sit down and it will be some kind of intervention about all the ways I fall short as a parent and how incorrigible my child is. I don’t think that’s reality, but I don’t think I can put that thought away until it’s all over with.


TheCheeseDevil OP t1_j5u3sx8 wrote

Youre gonna do great. Honestly from what I hear just being the kind of parent that shows up to parent teacher conferences means youre winning


DrP3n0r t1_j5ufyjm wrote

Remember, they're more scared of you than you are of them!


atctia t1_j5temce wrote

I also miss the warm weather. Today is hopefully gonna be pretty chill for me. Yesterday I spend 6/8 hours at work in meetings so absolutely nothing was accomplished


lifegavemelemons t1_j5u6byo wrote

I used to love these cold rainy days, but this year they’ve been wrecking havoc on what little balance my brain chemicals have. I went through some stuff last year and really haven’t found a way to move on. The social net I fell back on during that time has started to develop holes - leaving me wondering why I stick around town instead of heading home to old friends on days like this. Guess you know it’s bad when your dad tells you to go find a church (though I haven’t picked up any self destructive behaviors).

Warmer weather in spring will be appreciated - more vitamin D and being able to get to the mountains for some hiking will do me well I think.


TaupeIsDope_ t1_j5tc4p0 wrote

Does anyone know if Jardin has an indoor seating space, or if it’s just an indoor cellar? I’ve never been but nervous about sitting on the patio the rain!


popsrcr t1_j5tf4z0 wrote

I have to go in to the office. I don’t mind. Soon enough I’ll have to go twice a month. Dogs will miss me


Ann2040 t1_j5tj9p6 wrote

I miss the sun being up in the morning before I leave for work


manyamile t1_j5tmujk wrote


[deleted] t1_j5tpenf wrote



manyamile t1_j5tqsgz wrote

A garden is a garden, large or small.

Do you have a sunny window? A grow lamp? Can you volunteer time in a nearby community garden?


StandClear1 t1_j5to7av wrote

Got a sick new bike from Agees this week. Pretty stoked to take it out this weekend


icepick314 t1_j5ur4ge wrote

Did they play their theme song?

edit: do they give you a discount if YOU sing their song?


StandClear1 t1_j5uvgrm wrote

Haha I wish- they did do a great job tho, I had a lot of questions and they were patient and answered all of them


Arcangelathanos t1_j5tqsi6 wrote

I was looking at a calendar yesterday, saw when DST starts and got excited for Spring.

I'm only okay with dreary mornings like today bc the puppy doesn't realize what time it is and sleeps for a little while longer.


LiddyDolesHole t1_j5tz95n wrote

I'm going to be in London when we change our clocks, and they won't change theirs until two Sundays later. I'm prepared to be fairly confused on what time it is back home.


ImmobilizedbyCheese t1_j5u4zxx wrote

This happened on our trip to Ireland. Double DST. I was getting up at 5am for months. Also fucked with our connecting flight and had to wait another 3 hours for a different airline because their computer systems didnt reflect the time change to show that we could have made the earlier one.


Arcangelathanos t1_j5ukxkp wrote

I put a widget on my phone's home page that shows dual clocks so I don't get confused.


ScottRVA t1_j5uokyu wrote

I just got a positive Covid test. Any tips on how have others have handled it? I am fully vaccinated and boosted.


TheCheeseDevil OP t1_j5uphmk wrote

Just fluids and rest, for me. I took supplemental vitamin D but I don't really know of it helped. It seems a little different for everyone that gets it. My second round I had horrifying congestion that my cold medicine did not even begin to touch, but that phase was over after a day.


ScottRVA t1_j5uw94w wrote

TCD, thanks for the encouraging words. I am older and it is frightening.


Jellyfishes_OW t1_j5w20f5 wrote

Treat symptoms, lots of fluid and lots of rest! I'm sorry you've got it :(

(I had it a few months ago and my symptoms were mild plus I couldn't get the special med because it interacts with one of my regular meds)


ScottRVA t1_j5wnzri wrote

Thanks for the encouragement. Because I am old it scares me. I called my doctor but never got a call back. I wondered about the drug I heard about and will go to Patient First or one of those places and see if I can get a persdeiption. I was curious how long you were sick.


Jellyfishes_OW t1_j5y5oc1 wrote

I was sick for about a week but ended up with long covid fatigue that lasted a few weeks. I got tired easily, my blood pressure rose easily (I would try to go for walks but it made my head hurt so bad from pressure that I just couldn't).


MissLauraCroft t1_j5tdejh wrote

I’m loving the cold but also glad for no snow!!

Currently working a 3rd job for extra cash (through February) and I hate it so much. I dread every weekday.


TheCheeseDevil OP t1_j5tdtwr wrote

I would love to have one big snow day a year. Just to be able to crunch around and watch the dogs play in it. Then again, I also no longer have a work commute.


MissLauraCroft t1_j5thvkm wrote

One big day a year would be perfect!! My kids love it.


connor8383 t1_j5tkfok wrote

We’re not out of the woods yet I’d say. In my experience, the biggest snow months for NC/VA have been February/March.

I’ll be a little disappointed if we get nothing :(


raindeerpie t1_j5ue5vy wrote

I'm starting to notice the sun is up later. so that's pretty nice.


FaultlessAlly t1_j5ug67l wrote

I miss the days I could play hooky without it affecting rent. This would've been a great day to lay around and get some things done around the home. Can I go back to the free trial?


glossiergal19 t1_j5u0sys wrote

i'm moving this week. and working full time. i'm exhausted


BubbleWrapGuy t1_j5u451b wrote

My SO wants to try a ribeye burger. Are there any restaurants around town that offer a ribeye burger? Or, is there anywhere around town to get ground ribeye?


stickynohte t1_j5w9auf wrote

Day 3 of the new job done. Major imposter syndrome so far. Work is really my only relief from the current state of my mental health since I’m so busy I can’t even think.


The_UnknownTA t1_j5twbrs wrote

Roller Dome. Afterwork. Here I come! I'm also on the lookout for exotic meats. Has anyone tried squirrel?


geneb0322 t1_j5tydzz wrote

I've been hunting the squirrel in my yard for a year or two now as a method of population control because they are so destructive. It tastes very much like turkey.


TheCheeseDevil OP t1_j5tzxfx wrote

I'm determined to do the online hunter safety course and get a squirrel this year. I was trying to wait for an in-person class but that's looking nearly impossible. Hank Shaw's squirrel tacos are my goal


geneb0322 t1_j5u32az wrote

If your goal is just to get some squirrel and you don't care to hunt it yourself, I've got more than half a dozen cleaned and vacuum packed in the freezer that I would be fine with sharing.


The_UnknownTA t1_j5u3pz0 wrote

How much per squirrel? Because I'm very interested?


geneb0322 t1_j5u7mqy wrote

Honestly I'd be cool just giving some away. Like I said above, I hunt them primarily for population control and tend to end up with a glut when their population is high. We don't eat them super often so there's usually a bunch still in the freezer by the time I need to cull them again (we even still have some frozen Brunswick stew from the last time we cooked any, actually).


TheCheeseDevil OP t1_j5u4hsr wrote

oh wow! what a kind offer. Im still determined to start hunting this year but I'd gladly experiment in the kitchen beforehand.


geneb0322 t1_j5u8mpw wrote

Gotcha.. It's definitely nice knowing where your meat came from. I hate factory farming but I'm definitely not made to be vegetarian (much less vegan) so hunting has become something I am more and more interested in. We're also going to start keeping meat chickens this spring to try to cut back on our reliance on grocery store meat too.


TheCheeseDevil OP t1_j5uarze wrote

Thats why we became interested! Im trying to cut out factory meat from my diet but $30-$40 chickens are a hard sell. We can't raise chickens where we live at the moment, but I'd gladly start harvesting small game.