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SuperSalad_OrElse t1_j6er15d wrote

I realized after typing this up that my comment is not going to answer your question… BUT

I’ve worked 12 Valentine’s Day shifts in my career in food service.

• Every place I worked at re-arranged the tables to stuff more 2-tops in, which led to:

• Couples ate their dinners on top of each other. No privacy.

• Tables were so close together that my butt would rub up against them while people were eating their food

• The pre-fixed menus serve a smaller portion at a higher mark up.

• 2hr limit (could have been less?) so no hanging out and ogling your date

• Valentine’s Day was a dreaded shift where you would make good money, but at what cost?

These restaurants gotta make their money, and Valentine’s Day is a great way to do that. Restaurants have tight margins. I respect the hustle. But I wouldn’t want to sit down at a restaurant on Valentine’s Day.