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dalhectar t1_j6ch5vt wrote

Remember the state income tax is only 5%.

The state/locality taxes your car so it can find an alternative to a higher income tax.

However, our state income tax is relatively flat and that we tax low value cars at the same rate as high value cars is regressive taxation. If you are poor a greater % of your income goes to taxes.


Proper-Ad4006 t1_j6f9qzq wrote

Exactly this, even if personal property taxes were lower, we would just make up for it being taxed in other ways. The government needs money, and they'll get it one way or another.


No_Improvement9110 t1_j6f7rlv wrote

Nope, fake news. The state of Virginia has a progressive income tax as low as 2.5% and as high as 5.75%.


dalhectar t1_j6fosal wrote

The highest tax bracket starts at $17k. When someone under at just 133% poverty level pays the same marginal rate as a hedge fund manager, that's pretty flat.


No_Improvement9110 t1_j6fp28r wrote

You're not wrong it's still inequitable and should be expanded, but it was flat out false to claim we have a flat tax rate. We are ideologically aligned on this, but blurring the truth because it is convenient for you isn't how you should go about addressing it.


dalhectar t1_j6fydgf wrote

Until $3k income is taxed at 2%, income over $3k is taxed at 3%, and income above $5 is taxed at 5% until $17k at which income tax is at 5.75%. Given that Virginian median income is $36,895 , that makes our tax essentially flat.

Feel free to argue semantics.


No_Improvement9110 t1_j6fyywl wrote

"If I do several sets of mental gymnastics, I can convince myself my lie is the truth!"

You're still hurting your cause.


dalhectar t1_j6fzdee wrote


I only regret engaging you. Never again.