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sleevieb t1_j6c0cxw wrote

The popcorn is to watch people spin up cognitive dissonance using things like historic preservation to defend segregation.


bozatwork t1_j6fv224 wrote

I am about to use some not-nice language if you continue trying to assert that the Fox community is somehow racist or acting in racist manners. I'm sorry that you seem to believe urban legends from decades ago. Fox has been diverse and embraced the last round of school rezoning and used the process to benefit RPS as a whole. 44% of the school population is economically disadvantaged. Go compare the school populations pre/post rezoning and get back to me on which areas are segregated and who's actively working to protect monied interests.


sleevieb t1_j6g17sv wrote

Where did you get 44% from?


sleevieb t1_j6g449c wrote

I found this during my own search, I don’t see any demographic info on here including for economically disadvantaged.


bozatwork t1_j6g5vo4 wrote

But you saw 47% white? It's right below that demo chart. Click on "economically disadvantaged."


sleevieb t1_j6gfawj wrote

I didn’t see or say 47% white.

Clicking on economically disadvantaged brings up a bar graph for different 3 years of academic achievement.