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yolkadot t1_j6qukcw wrote

My severe allergies would like to disagree!


CharlesDarwin59 t1_j6qv4tk wrote

Plant female trees. Back in the 50s through 80s and in many places still cities plant ONLY dioeciois tree varieties and then ONLY the males because female trees and non dioecious trees produce fruit... that eventually falls off and rots and needs to be cleaned up.

However by planting only male trees you get a ton of tree sperm that gets shot everywhere and gets all up in your face, your nose, and even your lungs.


heliospheresunrise t1_j6qvd9r wrote

Most trees are not male or female, they're both.


CharlesDarwin59 t1_j6qvrtv wrote

Yeah... which is why they pick very specific species of trees called dioecious that have a male and female gender. It's not as wide spread as some say but it's definitely an issue that plays a role.


halfanothersdozen t1_j6qvt19 wrote

Your allergies disagree that planting more trees would reduce heat deaths? Okay.