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arcytech77 t1_j6tc562 wrote

Without an expensive setup, how can one measure their own internal tempo?


aurametrix t1_j6tp35r wrote

Nurosky headset is a little over $100, Muse are a little over $200. Open-source EEG devices ( OpenEEG) are under $100.


Killemojoy t1_j6unylm wrote

But could these be used to sync your brain waves similar to this study?


SnooPuppers1978 t1_j6up359 wrote

From the study if I understood correctly, all you need is a white box flickering on a dark background for 1.5s at your natural frequency before performing the task.

I wonder whether I should try to to feel it out before ordering the devices above. I could try different frequencies in the common range and perform some cognitive task to then feel how I'm performing.

Then after ordering the headset I could see if it matches

It should be in the range of 8hz - 12hz. I wonder if I can do it on my usual monitor and how accurate does it have to be in terms of timing?


Killemojoy t1_j6upirw wrote

Great questions that I myself am wondering.


SnooPuppers1978 t1_j6us22m wrote

I'm really excited now, first time I'm hearing of this type of EEG, BCI being a possibility and other things. Trying to figure out what I should buy.


MakeStupid t1_j6uqbco wrote

I'm no brain expert person but I mean surely they could be used that way. Coding with eeg isn't the hardest thing in the world. I am a very dumb engineer and I was able to use some brainwaves to turn on a lamp when you concentrate (it also played jimmy neutron saying Brian blast). So I think just getting a tempo from those values and doing the same thing with the black box and white background shouldn't be too difficult. I'll try it this weekend and dm you peeps if I can get it working if ya want.


First going to make the thing from the experiment with the whole EEG setup after I wrap up this current project I am about to finish. Then after I recreate the experiment, I'm flirting with the idea of testing to see if something similar would be possible without an EEG chip and just with a free website. Idk if this is possible at all (probably not) but depending on how strict the tempo has to be in sync with brain waves, if there was some kind of way to make your environment get your alpha waves within a certain range (maybe by playing relaxing music or just finding a way to zen out. Again no brain expert but maybe) then you could go off that tempo and have less efficient but still very effective results even without the eeg potentially? Idk a lot of testing will have to go into this but if that works, I would just release this thing for free so quick. (The hardest part of all of this is 100% going to be the testing because I'm not going to post or make anything without testing it 100 times to make sure it actually works well)


Killemojoy t1_j6uqoax wrote

Do keep us posted. Also interested in what the internal experience is like. As in, can you feel yourself consuming information faster?


MakeStupid t1_j6urpri wrote

Honestly I'm pretty interested in how it will work out. I'll see if I can try to somewhat replicate the experiment just with friends and whatnot. I might have a major placebo so I'll try to make friends test it and whatnot. Now I just have to find friends...(this might be harder than initially anticipated :<)


arcytech77 t1_j6uvoxc wrote

Can you make a github for your setup?


MakeStupid t1_j6uwhw3 wrote

It's not as professional looking or readable as I'd like because I was in a rush making this way back when, but here it is

It is pretty much just adjusting this older repository

(And also this one for the data visualization)

This might be a slightly different version of the same thing that plays meditation music until you are calm but same idea. I'll make it snazzier and easier to read soon


arcytech77 t1_j6vm864 wrote

Looks like you started this quite a while ago, how long has this been an area of study?


SnooPuppers1978 t1_j6urvne wrote

What did you exactly use to achieve that?


MakeStupid t1_j6utetr wrote

I used a mindflex and hooked the eeg chip up to an Arduino. Then sent in the data through the serial monitor Grab that data and convert it to a 1-100 scale. If the data read higher than the threshold I set before hand (I think I had it at 60 or something) then it meant you were focused which turned on a relay that was also connected to the Arduino which turned on the light. Then the computer just played jimmy neutron whenever this happened. It was actually fairly consistent, so I'm sure doing something kind of similar can replicate the experiment, maybe?


elunomagnifico t1_j6v564i wrote

Posted for the future. I'm open to being a part of it too, if we want to see how Bipolar people are affected.