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bongokhrusha t1_j6wr13q wrote

I cannot drink more than one sadly, even though I love it. it really hits my anxiety and gives me acid reflux


hawkeye224 t1_j6wyjdj wrote

Are you undereating? I get anxiety symptoms if I undereat and drink coffee. And I have to watch myself because I have a propensity to undereat, but when I eat properly I feel a lot better, and feel energetic but calm after coffee.


itsSIR2uboy t1_j6wuch4 wrote

I had to switch to tea. Sad face.


Chakkaaa t1_j6y92mc wrote

Stopped any caffeine two weeks ago for the first time in a long time. Anxiety has improved big time. Its crazy


promethazoid t1_j6zc0yx wrote

Same. Sometimes wil have 2, but I exclusively drink half caff bevs for this reason


Alittlebitmorbid t1_j703kuc wrote

There are kinds of coffee that have very low acid and are kind of more "stomach-friendly", just search for low acid coffee. And the anxiety is caused by caffeine, so decaf could work?


bongokhrusha t1_j7199t1 wrote

It helps to drink a dark roast not a medium one to not get acid


GoreDeathKilll t1_j73v8ni wrote

Adding to this but also how you prepare your coffee. I’d suggest a French press if you were looking for something less acidic.


aandres_gm t1_j70y5rd wrote

Acid reflux may come from drinking coffee that has been sitting in a thermos/on a hot plate for a long time. Drinking freshly-made coffee should eliminate that problem