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Dominisi t1_j7ilg8q wrote

Unfortunately this study will be used as reinforcement of snake oil salesman selling sound therapy over the internet to desperate cancer victims.

My biological father fell pray to this, stopped his cancer treatment, and thought he was "melting" his small cell lung cancer tumors by drinking liquid he bought off a holistic healing website along with a $1000 dollar sound setup.

Truly sad.


TheLoneNazgul t1_j7iyxr2 wrote

How is drinking liquid the same as this post


Dominisi t1_j7ntiho wrote

Did you just stop reading at that point or?


TheLoneNazgul t1_j7o1bz7 wrote

No I read the whole thing. Explain to me how a snake salesman selling your father liquid is in anyway comparable to this post, besides the obvious attempt to discredit anything that isn’t mainstream healing