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hollowgoat t1_j7u2p9q wrote

A complete tangent, but I can reach with my hands every part of the outside of my body, easily. I sometimes forget that some people cannot. It's strange when I remember that.


_smooth_talker_ t1_j7v5jxa wrote

What I wouldn’t do to scratch or lotion the upper middle of my back… life goals.


JessicaOkayyy t1_j7wimew wrote

It took me a few years to be able to stretch my arm to where my hand can reach any part of my back easily now. It started with applying self tanner and needing to put it on my back myself.

So little by little everyday I would stretch my arm further up and after awhile could turn my arm around, reach behind my back, and touch the back of my neck all the way up. It comes in handy!