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sciolycaptain t1_j7wh7qj wrote

This study is in line with previous studies comparing aspirin to LMWH in this specific population of orthopedic trauma.

This was a larger number enrolled and showed low dose aspirin is non-inferior to LMWH for all cause mortality. But LMWH had lower instances of DVT and PE.


SodaRayne t1_j7wpb7g wrote

> DVT and PE.

Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Edema?

edit: That's what I get for reading the comments before the article. Deep venous thromboembolism (DVT) is listed in the first sentence.


ThreeBlindRice t1_j7wtpzq wrote

Pulmonary embolism*.

Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is the better umbrella term.


SodaRayne t1_j7wwbwp wrote

Thank you. Yeah, not sure why my brain jumped to edema, given the topic. Crossed wires I guess, but then that's also why I like to confirm initialisms.