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ctorg t1_j80chmk wrote

Yeah "activated during" is very far from "responsible for." This is a correlational finding - which is valuable, but should not be communicated as having a particular direction or causality.

Edit: the study itself uses the phrase "involved in"


ctorg t1_j80rkz1 wrote

It could be. If further studies prove that the activation causes the behavior. On the other hand, if the behavior causes the activation or the brain region activation and the drug-seeking-behavior are both caused by some third, unmeasured variable, then this has no treatment value.

As I said, correlations are valuable. Mis-representing them is not.


JKyyy_ t1_j8199uz wrote

I am writing my thesis on this exact topic currently and I wanted to say this exact thing. We roughly know that dopamine is released in these areas as a response to reward/reward predicting stimuli and that dopamine is also involved in a lot of regulatory activity. We know it affects cordination, motivation, emotion regulation etc etc. Knowing this and then thinking about what is the best way to fix a dopamine misfunction (If there is one?, May not be the case) are two seperate things ESPECIALLY, when this system responds to SOOO many different forms of stimuli. Currently I would say a holistic approach (Lifestyle changes, therapy, maybe a medicinal treatment aswell (ie. Methylphenidate (Ritalin) seem to be potential approaches to look at). Deciding what is the best and why and for who is really hard


nyarlathotep999 t1_j81tzzs wrote

There is no such word as "identficating". The word you are looking for is "identifying".

And let me just say that this is a big pet peeve of mine. That is when people replace -ing suffix in participle verbs with -cating which does not exist and just sounds ignorant.


clc1992 t1_j8eeuhn wrote

What is "identificating"? shouldn't it be identifying?