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Varias279 t1_j8n6heb wrote

I am not comparing what happened, but instead why they chose not wanting to know. The reasoning for that choice is the same.

So not how but why people don't want to know the possible bad things done by neighbors, friends and family or country. This was and always is a possibility thus fear will influence that choice. Even if you already have suspicions or know you can choose to believe otherwise by ignoring real evidence.

That same influence happens with abuse and racism. This is something people sometimes choose not to believe or ignore because it could be somebody you trust, a best friend or family member you love.

What people find more important also influences that choice. You can choose somebody you know or yourself over what somebody did.

So my comparison is indeed about the influence of who on a choice. For bystanders and victims.


TheNextBattalion t1_j8nfnza wrote

Yea people don't wanna find out that grandpa held the rope at the lynch mob, etc.