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ButterSlip t1_j9bn38u wrote

I take similar medications as patient S, and I have had rhinovirus for 6 months. Skimmed article to see if it would apply, but its more specific to COVID.


BetterCallSal t1_j9bo53u wrote

My wife's cousin was a nurse. She got COVID that first month. She still has it.


Tex-Rob t1_j9cjamq wrote

That person suffered so much, would be nice if the R&D community of the medical field paid that back to patients somehow. ahahaha, like they'd do that! One way street, information gained from them making money off you, classic medical world.


Depressedgotfan t1_j9cjo7o wrote

Im on day two of covid, i dont think i can go another day. Let alone 318


ParabellumJohn t1_j9cna0b wrote

This might explain long hauling, only after I got my first doses of the vaccine did I start to feel better

Got sick in May 2020, long hauled on/off until I got my first vaccine in middle of 2021


812many t1_j9cv2oa wrote

This sounds familiar, I wonder if it's a more official study published in Nature.

I heard about this on NPR a year or so ago about something similar in a guy in Boston, and they used some great metaphors to help us understand. Link to article similar to what I heard:

Basically, since the body couldn't fight off the coronavirus, it was allowed to multiply completely freely in this person's body. Then at a certain point, due to being in a kind of "survival of the fittest situation", it was began an evolutionary arms race with itself. Different strains would battle each other for supremacy, and over months the dominant version of the coronavirus would change. Since they were taking blood samples regularly, scientists were able to track this battle as it played out in real time.

One interesting thing that happened is that they could use the rapid evolution in this one guy to partially predict where evolution might take place with the circulating variants.


Gotanyfunkopops t1_j9doctm wrote

I don’t know how I managed to dodge this for so long, but I hope I can keep dodging it forever.


JoaoBinda t1_j9ds47a wrote

You likely haven’t dodged catching it, you’ve just dodged the symptoms. I think there was a post in here a week or so ago about a certain protein found in the lungs that some people have that help them evade any symptoms.


812many t1_j9dtvbw wrote

Well this particular guy in the article died. I’m not sure the one in the radio episode I heard lived, but having Covid and being immunocompromised doesn’t sound all that pleasant.


Gotanyfunkopops t1_j9dyok1 wrote

My wife is a physician and we have tested frequently for it since the onset, and nope, neither of us have caught it. My wife is super careful, even now she still wears face shields and N95. I work from home and we still wear masks when we go out, so that helps too. We actually haven’t been sick with cold or flu in three years either.


Not_Stupid t1_j9ef9jk wrote

You've almost certainly been exposed though. You've just had a sufficient immune response to the viral particles that entered your system that they haven't been able to get a foothold and replicate to a detectable level.

My whole family got it, but I felt fine other than the barest hint of a headache. Tested negative for days after they'd all been confirmed, and finally got a postive test well after any hint of symptoms had gone.

Like you, I don't get sick much generally. From viruses at least, bacterial or fungal infections are a different story.


dotnetdotcom t1_j9eh9ha wrote

T cell escape... ah, of course... what's that?


discodropper t1_j9eldxp wrote

There’s almost always some monetary compensation for participating in medical research. The amount is typically associated with how intensive that research is. I’m not sure about long-term case studies like this one, but said compensation may have also included free treatment (which, for a year-long case, is pretty hefty).


shooter_tx t1_j9evrws wrote

"My wife is a physician and we have tested frequently for it since the onset, and nope, neither of us have caught it."

Are y'all just testing for active infection (e.g. PCR and RAT)?

Or have y'all actually had "full panel" antibody tests?

(I call them 'full panel' now, because in the early days of the pandemic I had to get two different referrals in order to get a f'n antibody test, and despite asking and getting assurances from four different people that it wouldn't be just a simple IGA test... it did, in fact, end up being just a simple IgA test... I was f'n livid, and they ended up not charging me for it)


Ryzz32 t1_j9gft4r wrote

So they made the T-virus?


Conscious_Pickle3605 t1_j9omezp wrote

The situation described in the article is very different from long haul covid. In long covid, the initial infection has passed, but its aftereffects linger. However, with long covid you aren't contagious and would almost certainly get a negative result on an antigen test.

In this situation, a severely immunocompromised patient simply can't fight off the initial infection. Where a healthy body ultimately overwhelms the virus, this patient can only kill it off partially, creating accelerated evolution since the viruses better at avoiding the weakened immune system survive. This patient could actively infect anyone at any moment (and there's a huge threat that new, dangerous strains of covid could come from a patient like this).


ParabellumJohn t1_j9ouk9e wrote

u/WAPE since you are continuing to harass me with messages, then deleting and blocking me so I can’t respond, I’ll be posting my response here

“YALE MEDICINE” is a legit medical source, I have yet to see any evidence provided by you to the contrary

I’m flattered you remembered me after so many days since we last talked. However please try to act like an adult on Reddit, children typically are not worth responding to