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knit3purl3 t1_j9ooys4 wrote

You think you could tell that to my kid's school who cancels half a year of outdoor recess for hunting season reasons and then makes sport out of canceling the rest for punishment?

They've really adopted a "beatings will continue until morale improves" approach with a bunch of 5-8yos who are going stir crazy now after 4 months trapped indoors and they keep taking away every recess that could be outside when we get randomly warm days.


heeywewantsomenewday t1_j9ov9ts wrote

It doesn't stop there. all green spaces in our local town are being built on pushing nature further and further to the outskirts, then teens get lambasted for hanging round the streets whilst also being told to get off the xbox at home. Can't win.

Post covid people should be encouraged to get out as much as possible, mental health is such a crisis right now and physical health and nature plays a part in that


ChrysMYO t1_j9q6m6s wrote

Yeah, remember walking my ex's first grader to class. 15 min away. Her age, I could walk the same distance to school. But her school is on an insanely busy street. And every 5 steps is a drive way to allow cars to drive from the main st into the shopping center that straddles the side walk we'd walk home on.

Getting to and from school on the calmest, nicest day was still so car focused and we were the ones walking. It reminded me when I was her age, the less than 15 min walk from school would turn into a 45 min pre-homework play time on the way back home.

Its simply impossible for them. These cars dominate everything.