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jwalkrufus t1_j9qg1qv wrote

I use salt to get rid of Canker sores. I wet my finger tip, pour salt on it, then rub that directly on the sore. It stings a bit, but it gets rid of them pretty quick.


jawnlerdoe t1_j9ugtwy wrote

Good to know. I’ve been suffering from them On and off my whole life I’ll have to try this.


kenderson73 t1_j9v5351 wrote

Try finding toothpaste without sodium lauryl sulfate in it. I learned years ago that that can cause them. Not many toothpastes with it no in there. But I haven't had a canker sore in years, and I would get them every month or so.


ole_elo_ole_elo t1_j9vor17 wrote

"stings a bit" its the most painful thing in the world next to giving birth