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mtbohana t1_j9qgdtb wrote

It helps anal fissures, too.


jwalkrufus t1_j9qg1qv wrote

I use salt to get rid of Canker sores. I wet my finger tip, pour salt on it, then rub that directly on the sore. It stings a bit, but it gets rid of them pretty quick.


jawnlerdoe t1_j9ugtwy wrote

Good to know. I’ve been suffering from them On and off my whole life I’ll have to try this.


kenderson73 t1_j9v5351 wrote

Try finding toothpaste without sodium lauryl sulfate in it. I learned years ago that that can cause them. Not many toothpastes with it no in there. But I haven't had a canker sore in years, and I would get them every month or so.


ole_elo_ole_elo t1_j9vor17 wrote

"stings a bit" its the most painful thing in the world next to giving birth


abx99 t1_j9rvqxy wrote

I have a friend that figured this out by accident. He gets them semi/frequently, but when he started taking CBD oil (for the usual reasons), it ended up helping a lot.


hkspowers t1_j9sgfgr wrote

Peroxide on a q-tip will help them to heal way faster and doesn't have the crazy stinging like most solutions do.


natanaru t1_j9tfnq5 wrote

Peroxide is generally bad for open wounds as it destroys the cells around the wound. Edit: wrong , comment below and above correct


popformulas t1_j9ufnls wrote

Many treatments for canker sores (aphthous ulcers) cause a superficial zone of necrosis. If you think peroxide is harsh, check out debacterol. These treatments typically decrease the duration of discomfort and reduce the time required for the mucosa to heal.


natanaru t1_j9uk2xg wrote

Interesting, I looked up treatments and why they worked just now and found out the goal of them for cankersores is to debride the ulcer , which makes sense.


Kriger1102 t1_j9upi9o wrote

Can you please tell me what percentage peroxide you use?


hkspowers t1_j9uy4d6 wrote

I use 3%. And when I have a really bad one, I don't even bother with the q-tip I just straight swish the peroxide in my mouth like mouthwash being careful not to swallow any, then spit and rinse like crazy. It really helps cut down the time of the painful period of the canker sore.


Kriger1102 t1_j9v4fgo wrote

Good to know! There is prescription here in Canada that's called oralcort, is a steroid the helps alot to me. However if this works, then I don't need to get the prescription. Thanks


hkspowers t1_j9v79bp wrote

Best of luck! Hopefully it works as well for you as it does me. One caveat I noticed is that the sooner you treat it the faster it heals. So I usually rinse as soon as I notice a canker sore when it's fresh and small.


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