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lekkermuff t1_j9yzeyi wrote

Post after post of working people getting subjugated lately for corporate profit. At what point do we grab the pitchforks? We're already past french revolution income disparagy. Social media really is the new opiate of the people


panormda t1_ja0t4v4 wrote

Because we need a Martin Luther king figure.

There’s more than enough flammable vitriol to light.. But nobody’s willing to light the spark. Most don’t know how.. the ones who do aren’t..

How do you start a Revolution with no leader? What is this, the communist Revolution? A Revolution with no leader? How do people collectively decide how to take back what they deserve without someone telling them how to coordinate efforts?

There are groups out there doing things, but the people who want to fight aren’t connecting with them.. is it a lack of visibility? Or a lack of taking the effort to Google where local groups are DOING something?


chuy2256 t1_ja0tm3l wrote

As soon as one rises up, the powers that be will clamp down on that figurehead. Easier now more than ever. It’s also more easier to smear one’s image and dissolve a following with paper trails we’ve all created since our youth on the internet.


-Swaggy t1_ja1mbm0 wrote

The workers under serious wage threat don't have the savings to take time off. The rest know corporations and government policies are against them, or don't, but in most cases can live pretty comfortably for the moment. There's not the incentive to protest for most. Also, it takes a lot of planning and organization to be effective. If you go out by yourself there will be no message heard. In addition, to anybody that knows anything about the history of governments and corporations, they know governments will always side with the wealthy and corporations, because that's who they really represent. So if things end up being ongoing for a few months with no resolution from governments or corporations, people will have to die for change. If peaceful protests don't work, violence is the only remaining solution.


Scipio33 t1_ja0c4u2 wrote

Is there a sign up sheet for pitchforks? I'll take a torch if there aren't any pitchforks.