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marketrent OP t1_j9y4xd8 wrote

Findings in title quoted from the linked summary^1 and peer-reviewed research paper.^2

From the linked summary:^1

>The researchers used a database maintained by the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration to investigate all severe injuries in the six years from 2015 to 2020 in the food supply chain.

>Their results documented 1,084 severe injuries and 47 fatalities during the six-year period although the researchers noted that actual figures could be twice as high.

>Data indicated that 2020 saw a significant increase in severe injuries as compared to previous years.

>In findings published this morning (Feb. 24) in the Journal of Safety Research, the researchers reported that fractures of the lower extremities were most prevalent, with the most frequent accident event type being transportation-related, such as pedestrian-vehicle incidents.

>Large retailers that sell food along with many other products — such as Walmart, Sam’s Club and Costco — were not included in the research, Michael pointed out.

>“It would not have been possible for us to determine which of their accidents and injuries were related to moving food products. If we had somehow been able to include their statistics, of course, the injury numbers would be considerably higher.”

From the peer-reviewed research paper:^2

>In this paper, the term “product movement” is used somewhat synonymously with the typical “materials handling” terminology.

>Materials handling involves the lifting, movement, protection, storage, control, and placement of various kinds of materials. It can be done manually or using semiautomatic or automated equipment to move products from manufacturer to warehouse to retailer (Brauer, 2016).

>Grocery wholesalers and grocery retail stores saw the highest number of injuries, followed closely by the warehousing and storage groups.

>This was the first research to investigate occupational injuries related to transport packaging and related product movement in the food supply chain.

^1 Workers moving products in the U.S. food supply chain at high risk of injury, Jeff Mulhollem, Penn State University, 24 Feb. 2023,

^2 Judd H. Michael and Serap Gorucu. (2023) Severe injuries from product movement in the U.S. food supply chain. Journal of Safety Research.


No-Sock7425 t1_j9y8cva wrote

I often see employees moving stock through stores with pallet jacks or forklifts and it’s 50/50 whether they have a spotter clearing obstacles but I don’t think 10% are wearing appropriate footwear like steel toed boots. The injuries described match perfectly with the work being done. Edit to add. I’m Canadian and not sure how little American workers are protected by law but in Canada steel toed boots have been required in all forklift ware operation for decades. More specifically you weren’t even allowed into areas where operation of that occurred without safety shoes. Again, I can’t say whether retail or grocery has this requirement but it would be baffling to find out that there was a niche industry that had escaped regulation for 30+ years.


pickles55 t1_j9y9sn0 wrote

I used to work at a grocery store that had the kind of forklift you walk behind so you don't need to be an adult to operate them. One day the store manager goes around to everyone handing out a sheet of multiple choice questions and a sheet with the answers, then when they fill out the questions he gave them a little slip of paper that said they were "forklift certified".


soda-jerk t1_j9ydg7m wrote

This might be closer to the actual reason for the injuries.

Safety is held in front of every company in this country like a shield. You're overwhelmed with mountains of safety videos when you start just about any job, now, and you'll probably hear things like "culture of safety" being thrown around.

That's the corporate side. On the job, you quickly find that your workplace's culture is more about presenting the illusion of safety, while cutting every corner possible.

Amazon is absolutely notorious for this. I worked for them for a few months last year. Safety videos, initializations, and acronyms for days. Yet, my first day, I was placed with a trainer whose first words to me were: "I'm the guy they send to show you all the shortcuts".

Safety is a magic word, now, in the corporate world. I know there are some places that really do take it seriously, but by and large, it's lip service paid to keep their insurance costs down.


No-Sock7425 t1_j9yf9jw wrote

They absolutely are in any warehouse situation. Try running over your foot with a 2000 pound pallet or worse, crashing into an ankle, or getting a leg caught between the load and an obstacle. They may not be required by law in grocery settings but I can’t imagine why


No-Sock7425 t1_j9yftw5 wrote

All of that ‘safety’ is used to replace another word. Liability. I have worked for companies that have actually killed people and the most important thing those companies learned was to make sure employees signed all the appropriate paperwork to protect the company. Safety is there to protect employees about as much as Human Resources is there to protect employees.


villain75 t1_j9yk1pw wrote

They're recommended, but not required. It's a common hazard to get your toes/feet injured moving around heavy pallets, too, so they're appropriate.

Not required.

Workplaces that only supply the bare minimum aren't safe workplaces.


usernametaken0987 t1_j9ylptf wrote

> I’m Canadian and not sure how little American workers are

Protection has little to do with it. Most of the people cycling through our local distribution center are young, careless, and really don't care. And even through their numbers are higher than the veterans, the worse is the Medicaid bouncers. Pick up two weeks, call off most shifts, and BACK PAIN! They are just there trying to cheat the system. HR at a different factory I worked was way more selective, but the distribution center didn't seem to care. Probably because it's skill less, chucking boxes on belts and off belts to trucks.


CompromisedCEO t1_j9ymlvc wrote

I would have thought forklifts ans such lifters would have been automated by now or atleast remote controlled would have become more common place since the tech is very mature at thispoint


Algur t1_j9yno24 wrote

OSHA 1910.136 requires steel toe shoes protective footwear in a warehouse environment. When you have proof that something exists and someone is staunchly arguing that it doesn’t, I don’t see a problem asking them to prove their stance.


the_skine t1_j9yp0ns wrote

I work in a warehouse. Steel toe is optional. About 80% to 90% of employees wear sneakers. I wear composite toe so I can go through the metal detectors without setting them off.

We only send people home if they're wearing open toe or open back shoes.


binneysaurass t1_j9yppyn wrote

So I suffered a hernia at work. Missed a month and a half due to recovery from the surgery. Because I reported it as a work related injury, the insurer my job uses would not pay me for that missing time. I was told to file for worker's comp, which denied me. Appealed, denied. Apparently there are some rather strict requirements for hernias to receive worker's comp in my state of residence.


kafelta t1_j9ys580 wrote

A lot of folks think police officers have the most dangerous job of all, but it's statistically more dangerous to be in roofing, garbage collection, or warehousing.

We should have more respect for the people in these roles.


mjh2901 t1_j9ysnbf wrote

The more non union shops the higher the injury rate. Safety regulations are written in blood and enforced by shop stewards remove the second and the first is meaningless.


the_skine t1_j9yvfem wrote

Look into how bad Tesla's "Full Self Driving" performs. And that's in an environment with novels worth of rules and regulations that the car has to follow.

A warehouse environment requires drivers of powered lift equipment to do the parts that automation struggles with. Things like situational awareness, making judgement calls, improvising and adapting, simply recognizing when something isn't quite right, etc.

There are some robots being incorporated into warehouses, but this is mostly for smaller product (there's a Tom Scott video about this). It still requires people on powered lift equipment to unload the product off of trailers and move the product around the warehouse. Not to mention the people not on equipment required for the other jobs in between unloading the trailer and product leaving the building, usually requiring lifting product by hand.

Of course, with all of the reddit discussions and YouTube "documentaries" about how automation and AI are coming for "low-skilled" work (that actually requires a lot of skill, but is called that so they can be paid less), it's funny that the jobs that AIs are disrupting are mostly art, music, and writing.


lekkermuff t1_j9yzeyi wrote

Post after post of working people getting subjugated lately for corporate profit. At what point do we grab the pitchforks? We're already past french revolution income disparagy. Social media really is the new opiate of the people


888mainfestnow t1_j9yzmtm wrote

If your job offers short term disability insurance see how much it costs to add it used to be fairly cheap compared to the 65% they pay out if something happens and you can't work.

Maybe HR already advised you of this but even more sorry if they haven't offered you this option when it was available.


binneysaurass t1_j9z25os wrote

On the phone and via mail, twice. After the first denial, I appealed, they denied me again.

Apparently there are 13 requirements you must meet in order to have a hernia covered by worker's comp in this state. Two of which I did not meet. I did not have immediate pain related to the hernia, I actually worked, never missing a day, for 9 months, due to a lot factors.. The other requirement was missing work, which I did not do, due to the hernia, only because of the surgery and recovery. Which apparently doesn't count.

I failed to meet their requirements.


farnoud t1_j9z4ngl wrote

All will be replaced by robots soon, no worries


binneysaurass t1_j9z5jj4 wrote

I got through it. With the cost of having to live, the surgery, plus some personal problems with my divorce and having to move, it drained my savings considerably, let me tell you.

Of course, I was fortunate to have the savings to pay for it, I can't imagine how other people, not so fortunate, could have managed.


Algur t1_j9z6ily wrote

Per the reg, Protective footwear must comply with any of the following consensus standards: 1910.136(b)(1)(i) ASTM F-2412-2005, "Standard Test Methods for Foot Protection," and ASTM F-2413-2005, "Standard Specification for Performance Requirements for Protective Footwear," which are incorporated by reference in § 1910.6;

1910.136(b)(1)(ii) ANSI Z41-1999, "American National Standard for Personal Protection -- Protective Footwear," which is incorporated by reference in § 1910.6; or

1910.136(b)(1)(iii) ANSI Z41-1991, "American National Standard for Personal Protection -- Protective Footwear," which is incorporated by reference in § 1910.6.

1910.136(b)(2) Protective footwear that the employer demonstrates is at least as effective as protective footwear that is constructed in accordance with one of the above consensus standards will be deemed to be in compliance with the requirements of this section.

Do sneakers meet those standards?


888mainfestnow t1_j9z9s86 wrote

Oh man yup go to any city and when you see the homeless population this is one way people end up there.

It's not always alcohol or drugs it's often misfortune from a medical/financial issue and our broken system.

Glad you got through it hopefully you can find a new opportunity eventually with less stress on the body and better pay and benefits.


Fakarie t1_j9zbavl wrote

You posted: OSHA 1910.136 requires steel toe boots in a warehouse environment

What is actually says: The employer shall ensure that each affected employee uses protective footwear when working in areas where there is a danger of foot injuries due to falling or rolling objects, or objects piercing the sole, or when the use of protective footwear will protect the affected employee from an electrical hazard, such as a static-discharge or electric-shock hazard, that remains after the employer takes other necessary protective measures


LClaypool2112 t1_j9zbqao wrote

This is OSHA 1910.136. Nothing about steel toe boots being mandatory in a warehouse

“ General requirements. The employer shall ensure that each affected employee uses protective footwear when working in areas where there is a danger of foot injuries due to falling or rolling objects, or objects piercing the sole, or when the use of protective footwear will protect the affected employee from an electrical hazard, such as a static-discharge or electric-shock hazard, that remains after the employer takes other necessary protective measures.”


jeremyhat83 t1_j9zgmde wrote

I was fired from a job and at the weekly meeting the owner told the employees to tell a lie if they were asked about why I was fired, to deny my unemployment claim. The issue was I confronted the owner for health and safety issues and he didn't want to spend a dollar on anything like that and wanted me to put people's lives at risk, and I wouldn't, and stopped him from teaching other employees that garbage


Pilotom_7 t1_j9zhco6 wrote

But they also have higher Sperm counts


themagicbong t1_j9zj1ee wrote

Even WITH drugs, if you ever talk to those kinds of people often you hear how many of them became addicts by taking their medication as prescribed. Like, as directed. Still ended up with a lovely lil opiate addiction as a result of something like even a workplace injury. Happened to me, I built my back very incorrectly from working wrong and got into painkillers. I've also seen that happen with guys I've worked with. Some people can maintain a functional life while spiraling down and it's not always that quick of a fall. Which can be like watching a trainwreck that began crashing a long ass time ago.

Then, while programs exist to get help at subsidized rates or even free of cost, they often don't seem to have great success rates for many reasons, chief among them being that the rules generally don't line up with medical science. They line up with whatever makes whoever is giving the money happy. Leads to situations where one day you go in to get your meds like you always do, but this time they say there's an issue. You see, you missed the group meeting, where everyone sits around swapping war stories about their times on drugs. Your doctor agrees that it's detrimental to your future sobriety, but you signed a contract stating you wouldn't miss group meetings. So even though you thought you'd be getting 30 days of medicine today, actually, you're getting nothing. Come back in a month to readmit into the program. If your doctor tries to intervene on your behalf, they might lose their medical license, and the clinic could have it's funding pulled.

Edit: just wanna say, that last situation I mentioned is how people die. I knew a woman who was in the same program I was in, and that exact scenario I described happened to both of us on the same day, and neither of us had ever so much as failed a piss test. I was luckily able to find another doctor and another program, but the woman wasn't as lucky, and she had overdosed by the end of the week.


Algur t1_j9zwbqf wrote

>What is actually says: The employer shall ensure that each affected employee uses protective footwear when working in areas where there is a danger of foot injuries due to falling or rolling objects,


Algur t1_j9zwhar wrote

>“ General requirements. The employer shall ensure that each affected employee uses protective footwear when working in areas where there is a danger of foot injuries due to falling or rolling objects,


Shahzoodoo t1_ja03dlh wrote

And they can’t live off that minimum wage they make in many warehouses either! Maybeee if they work enough overtime/injure themselves badly enough they can take a break


Pushmonk t1_ja073ax wrote

It is an article showing how dangerous these jobs are. People often claim being a cop is the most dangerous job, which then excuses them for killing/beating citizens.

They were just bringing it up to make a point.


Fakarie t1_ja07chh wrote

Ok, I have a couple of minutes now.

It says protective footwear, not steel toe. Which is why no open toe shoes or crocs on warehouse floor. In most situations, a leather shoe provides sufficient protection.


BadAtExisting t1_ja0ead9 wrote

In 2020 when my industry went on pause I got sick of trying to get in touch with unemployment and applied to and worked at a grocery store instead. This is absolutely no surprising. The computer “training” for proper lifting techniques isn’t really adequate. No one is going to call you out if you pick something up using your back. On top of all that the computer “training” I got for the store’s forklift “certification” was a joke and my “practical” test was the manager watching while I put a pallet on a top rack. I have a forklift driver’s certification for my industry where I spent a couple hours in a classroom with a certified instructor followed by a written test then a forklift driving course practical hands on training and test before getting that cert. The forklift drivers at the grocery store whipped those things around like they were playing grand theft auto and there were many near misses with humans, a couple racks were destroyed and without fail once a week a pallet would come crashing down because someone would be driving with the load too high and stop fast enough for a lighter one to slide on the forks, or same but with a pallet that was stacked too high to begin with and the load would break the wrap and fall all over the place. It was an interesting few months


jtd1776 t1_ja0i4rz wrote

Police have the highest likelihood of being murdered over any other profession. There are certainly dangerous jobs with a high level of injury or accidental death but luckily OSHA and other oversight entities have regulations to increase workplace safety. If safety protocols are properly followed, chance of injury decreases. Most industrial accidents occur when the employee or the employer fail to follow proper protocol. So yes, statistically you’re more likely to be injured in a high risk profession like roofing, but the chance of being murdered or assaulted (which you have much less control of) is much higher in law enforcement than in construction industries.


crazymoefaux t1_ja0rs88 wrote

A pizza delivery driver has a greater chance of being murdered on the job than a cop. This is verifiable fact, you can google this ("list of jobs by murder rate") and nearly every source will back this up.


Ere_bu_s t1_ja0sa14 wrote

That seems like statistic fuckery. For example, taking all the times anyone has been injured walking across the street vs. all the times any cops are hurt on the job and dividing by time.

But that doesn't account for the fact that way more people are crossing the street pretty much constantly and that traffic accidents in general are one of the highest sources of death and injury.

Also, while being a cop might not be as dangerous as working in construction (depending on where you're a cop) the danger of construction is environmental. Accidents. Machinery. Etc etc.

The danger of being a cop is actively antagonistic people who are out to hurt you. And traffic. Maybe less danger in quantity, but I'd say more dangerous in quality.


panormda t1_ja0t4v4 wrote

Because we need a Martin Luther king figure.

There’s more than enough flammable vitriol to light.. But nobody’s willing to light the spark. Most don’t know how.. the ones who do aren’t..

How do you start a Revolution with no leader? What is this, the communist Revolution? A Revolution with no leader? How do people collectively decide how to take back what they deserve without someone telling them how to coordinate efforts?

There are groups out there doing things, but the people who want to fight aren’t connecting with them.. is it a lack of visibility? Or a lack of taking the effort to Google where local groups are DOING something?


chuy2256 t1_ja0tm3l wrote

As soon as one rises up, the powers that be will clamp down on that figurehead. Easier now more than ever. It’s also more easier to smear one’s image and dissolve a following with paper trails we’ve all created since our youth on the internet.


r-reading-my-comment t1_ja0v1su wrote

Give some info. I’m getting “delivery people” as being the highest, but that includes all delivery drivers… Dominos to Brinks.

Other sites are saying it’s cops or cops/security.

They also say law enforcement has the most general violence committed against them. Not dying because you have a bullet proof vest on skews the data.

Edit: how dare I say someone should back something up, especially after their advice failed


Algur t1_ja0vw9k wrote

>n most situations, a leather shoe provides sufficient protection.

That’s not relevant. The only thing relevant to this conversation is what the reg requires. Based on what I’ve read in the regs, the following rating is required:

Impact resistance (I) for the toe area of footwear (50 foot-pounds)


amoral_ponder t1_ja0xz1h wrote

I sure hope these mostly men are being compensated for risk to life and limb with higher wages.


onyerbikedude t1_ja0yuy3 wrote

When I got to the UK from New Zealand in late 2021, I worked at a big Tesco supermarket while I was seeking out and interviewing for professional roles. We were provided with a uniform but you had to wear your own shoes. The number of times I hurt my toes or ran into my right ankle while moving big cages of groceries was .. pretty f* high. They should totally be providing steel cap 8 hole boots.


All_Usernames_Tooken t1_ja19oqd wrote

A family member got hurt at a grocery warehouse and was hurt within the first 12 months of work so he couldn’t get time off. He had to see doctors for his back and spine, wore a brace, had all the notes and dates. They fired him an refused to pay because he somehow wasn’t a full employee yet. He wasn’t sure he would win a case and didn’t have much to hire an attorney and get into any lengthy legal battle


hawklost t1_ja1ajmv wrote

"Safety-toe footwear are shoes which have a steel toe cap underneath the leather toe cap and protect the wearer's toe from moving or falling objects. Safety-toe footwear needs to comply with the requirements and specifications of the latest version of ASTM F2413. Examples of work which require safety-toe footwear are: warehouse operations; moving operations involving heavy equipment; work involving close contact with large animals; and jobs requiring work with certain chemicals."

It specifies Warehouse operations needing Safety-Toe footwear, which is a steel toe cap footwear.


DTFH_ t1_ja1j8df wrote

> They also say law enforcement has the most general violence committed against them

Did they compare themselves to healthcare workers? I'm sure behavioral health workers beats out law enforcement tenfold.


-Swaggy t1_ja1mbm0 wrote

The workers under serious wage threat don't have the savings to take time off. The rest know corporations and government policies are against them, or don't, but in most cases can live pretty comfortably for the moment. There's not the incentive to protest for most. Also, it takes a lot of planning and organization to be effective. If you go out by yourself there will be no message heard. In addition, to anybody that knows anything about the history of governments and corporations, they know governments will always side with the wealthy and corporations, because that's who they really represent. So if things end up being ongoing for a few months with no resolution from governments or corporations, people will have to die for change. If peaceful protests don't work, violence is the only remaining solution.


jtd1776 t1_ja1nvsl wrote

According to the latest data available from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), there were 5,333 fatal work injuries recorded in the United States in 2020. Of those, 1,089 were homicides, which means that approximately 20% of all fatal work injuries in 2020 were homicides. This number includes police officers.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), there were 614 fatal occupational injuries among delivery and other miscellaneous drivers in the United States in 2020. This category includes all drivers who are not classified as heavy or tractor-trailer truck drivers, but who operate vehicles to transport goods, make deliveries, or perform other similar duties. There is no specific number on intentional homicide of these people, who can be anything from Uber Eats, to Amazon drivers. Due to the nature of their job (driver) one can infer that most of their deaths likely resulted from a traffic collision or traffic incident.

According to the FBI's Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted (LEOKA) Program, which collects data on law enforcement officer fatalities in the United States, a total of 366 law enforcement officers died in the line of duty in 2020. Of those, 47 were feloniously killed, which means they were intentionally killed while performing their duties as law enforcement officers.

There are nearly we’re 3 million delivery drivers working in the US in 2020 according to BLS, and possibly many more unaccounted for freelance drivers working food delivery and other delivery services. There were approximately 700,000 police officers in the US in 2020.

I’ll let you do all the math, but I believe that sufficiently proves that police officers probably have a more dangerous job than pizza delivery drivers.


CGNer t1_ja1s9it wrote

Also all the best qualified for these jobs have moved to Amazon, leaving companies scrapping bottom of the barrel workers because they don't want to pay more...


dahComrad t1_ja28dh2 wrote

They want you to move at insane speed (unhealthy speeds considering all the lifting) and cut corners on safety and training.


Kyanche t1_ja2cbjf wrote

> Of course, with all of the reddit discussions and YouTube "documentaries" about how automation and AI are coming for "low-skilled" work (that actually requires a lot of skill, but is called that so they can be paid less), it's funny that the jobs that AIs are disrupting are mostly art, music, and writing.

I despise the term "low skill" because it's so disrespectful, and completely tone deaf from a business perspective. It's like saying "there's nothing we can learn from people who work in that role" except people in these roles are almost ALWAYS the people with the feet on the ground who ACTUALLY KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON BEST.

You can almost always tell a well-run organization and a badly run one just by this alone.


asdaaaaaaaa t1_ja2mzcb wrote

Agriculture's a killer as well. Know too many people injured while I worked in that industry. With the bonus of exempt status, so agriculture businesses don't need to pay minimum wage, overtime, provide benefits for full time and a ton of other allowances.


asdaaaaaaaa t1_ja2n3uc wrote

>The danger of being a cop is actively antagonistic people who are out to hurt you. And traffic.

You can check the statistics via FBI publications on injuries for police every year. IIRC, more than half the injuries were from non-pursuit traffic incidents. Actual injuries from interacting with criminals/aggravated people were extremely low in comparison. Seeing how some police drive around here, doesn't surprise me.


asdaaaaaaaa t1_ja2n7lx wrote

Nope. Agriculture and other physical labor/trade jobs are inherently more risky/dangerous. You really think a cop is at more danger than someone who works around moving heavy machinery all day? Or someone who climbs/cuts trees for a living? You can check the actual statistics year to year, FBI publishes reports on police injuries. More than half are just traffic incidents when they're not in pursuit or actively "working" on something specific. Hell, delivery/truck drivers are at a higher risk than cops.


RedCascadian t1_ja2wusd wrote

It'd s lot of squatting and lunging with 35 lb or less items, so interestingly women's better leg muscle to body weight ratio would make them pound for pound more efficient.

They also seem to take better care of themselves and adopt better body mechanics faster (I train new hires and younstsrt noticing patterns).


jtd1776 t1_ja549fm wrote

I must have missed that memo. Apparently OP missed my comment too because I haven’t seen an apology or retraction on their erroneous claim after I provided up to date BLS data disproving their assertion. I expect nothing less from Reddit.


the_skine t1_ja8me4k wrote

Yep. Why would a fortune 500 company not implement a policy that costs them nothing (employees have to buy their own steel or composite toe boots), when getting an OSHA fine for 100-400 people (depending on time of year) not following regulations?