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ImportantRope t1_jaip9ct wrote

Weed makes mine worse and can cause auditory hallucinations, but surprisingly mushrooms causes it to go away completely, albeit temporarily. Sitting in silence is just so refreshing when you're used to that constant noise.


Exostenza t1_jaji5l8 wrote

Hmmmm, time to do mushrooms again and pay attention to that.


knowbody2020 t1_jak2bkd wrote

What type of shrooms if you don’t mind me asking. I have been dealing with the EEEEEEEEEE constantly for over two years now. Nothing help. I did find that cannabis made it louder. I’ve smoked most my adult like in a regular basis and it just happened one day and never stopped. Sometimes I think blood pressure and body inflammation are a major factor


much_longer_username t1_jakcm6p wrote

>What type of shrooms if you don’t mind me asking.

I suspect it doesn't matter so much. It's more about the plasticity offered by the psychedelic experience.

You're given an opportunity to do a bit of rewiring that your normal biases and filters would otherwise make you resistant to. With that opportunity, you could maybe rewire the part of your brain that does audio signal processing.

I don't know that I could give you a tutorial on how to do this, but it makes sense to me intuitively, I hope it makes sense to you.


knowbody2020 t1_jakedtn wrote

No I agree. One area I’ve been focusing on is neuro-inflammation. Thank you for the reply.


knowbody2020 t1_jakf60a wrote

Mine is primarily in the left ear area. Do you notice any tightness around the ear jaw socket area. Or does the ear area ever feel tight or stuffy when you swallow? I’ve had the head scans, Eustachian tube are clear no blockage. I’ve even had a tube out in the ear to open it up but nothing changed. Just curious what you notice or observe with the EEEEEEEEE sound. Some days are louder than others.


exoflame t1_jalvfow wrote

Dude, this is exactly what i got. Also water runs differently into my one ear than it does in the other, i had my ears checked and everything seems fine besides having tinnitus.


bigredgaboy t1_jalxa0x wrote

Tinnitus isn’t related to the ears at all, It’s in your brain but is still bilateral making it seem like it’s in your ears.


cleanjosef t1_jamgk5k wrote

Tinnitus is an umbrella term and there is even tinnitus caused by your blood rushing in you far as I know.


knowbody2020 t1_jamhcd3 wrote

It’s a mystery. Im peeling the onion and looking at every possible cause. I keep circling back around to body and neuro-inflammation. What’s causing it I have no idea, yet.


knowbody2020 t1_jakfkdz wrote

One last question and I will leave you in peace. Did you ever get the Covid shot? I did and my ringing began about 3 months later


zymuralchemist t1_jalb0n1 wrote

If I’m stressed it gets waaay louder, absolutely in lockstep with my blood pressure.


bigredgaboy t1_jalxd6o wrote

Hmm. I just took my BP pill. Will see if the tinnitus volume drops


ImportantRope t1_jajjo5l wrote

First noticed it when I heard a single drop of water somewhere down in the plumbing while in the bathroom, thought it was strange I heard that. Mentioned it to my friend with longtime tinnitus last time we were on it and he was like you know what, you're right and my eyesight is a lot better too. His eyes have been really bad since he kicked alcohol. Pretty interesting stuff.


RupanIII t1_jamhllg wrote

Valium for me. Took it once for a procedure and it was blissfully silent for hours.


ImportantRope t1_jap5j8f wrote

That's interesting, I've only had valium a couple times and I was preoccupied with the upcoming surgery