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evanmike t1_jeec408 wrote

I got into psychedelics for my severe depression and PTSD........ stopping my drug and alcohol use was a side effect


RunForrestRun t1_jeepy4g wrote

I was a heavy drinker/smoker when I was young who turned into a 12 pack a week drinker as I progressed through adulthood and into fatherhood. I now no longer drink/smoke aside from a holiday or a truly special occasions and I feel like mushrooms are the main reason why.

I've been taking psychedelics for a long time, but over the past few years my very close friends and I have 3-4 heavy-dosed, therapeutic rejuvenators (tripcations) every year. Crying/laughing, discussing life and its ups and downs without anxiety, discussing things I normally don't discuss with people, becoming closer, and actually working to make things better in my/our lives are just a few of the benefits, or side effects, that have come from these quarterly sessions. Deep diving into health and addictions during our last few trips was the fuel I needed to stop being a regular drinker.

As I type this out, I'm packing my bags for our first therapy session of the year... I can't wait!!


reflUX_cAtalyst t1_jef2ihy wrote

I wish I could do this, but I have a panic disorder and that means no psychedelics. I've eaten hundreds of doses of LSD in my younger years, but I have absolutely ZERO want to trip since my last bad attack.

I do want to try microdosing though. Will look into acquiring a supply.


wrylark t1_jefz061 wrote

do you drink alcohol? I had no idea how much of my anxiety was stemming from the constant up and downs of daily drinking ..


OPengiun t1_jef8nqv wrote

>12 pack a week drinker

You mean 12 pack a day?


RunForrestRun t1_jefbtve wrote

No, I slowed down from about ~3 12 packs a week in my 20s to about ~12 beers/drinks a week into my 30s. I know it wasn't an 'out of control alcoholic' amount, but it was still having a legitimate, negative effect on my life because I always get a hangover no matter how little I drink. I'm a part-time stay at home dad and 'hungover dad' isn't the dad I wanted to be or continue being.


genediesel t1_jegm7w6 wrote

3 12 packs a week isn't even a lot for what most heavy drinkers would consider a heavy drinker. Just FYI. Heavy drinkers are like 8+ beers a night.


Alcoholhelps t1_jegnuhl wrote

At my worst I was…..18-24 a day….every day…(even work days.


RunForrestRun t1_jegrcd1 wrote

My bad, I didn't know that heavy drinker had a defined level. I was drinking amounts detrimental to my mental and physical health, but not drinking quite as much as the heaviest of drinkers.


jimbolikescr t1_jegzc3t wrote

It's just that 3 12 packs a week still seems like it takes some level of self control and I think typically people assume alcoholics are powerless to their addiction. But I'm happy for you!


mano-vijnana t1_jef49z7 wrote

What specific psychedelics/routine have you found most helpful for those, just out of curiosity? I've used LSD since it was available, but I'm not sure it's quite as good as the alternatives.


RunForrestRun t1_jef7c2k wrote

LSD is wonderful as well, but I personally don't think I open myself up on it to the level that I do with psilocybin. Routine-wise, it's pretty straightforward. We get our close knit group together somewhere safe and secure, set the mood with some music/lighting, get our doses straight, then we all just chill pretty quietly and comfortably until they kick in past any of the uneasiness that can occur during the come up. After that, it kind of all just organically comes together! Post-peak, we'll go for long walks and explore after the world has gone to sleep.

I usually have a passive plan going into it about things I'd like to talk about or work through - both good and bad. Feeling secure/safe wherever it is that you're doing it is pretty important IMO, as is being with people you trust and are comfortable with. Ironically, a couple hard seltzers help with come-up anxiety and it's one of the rare times where I'll have some drinks now. The fruity drink vibes well w/ the shrooms, too ;)


fakerjohn t1_jegz1pp wrote

Man, you are a lucky dude. I do not have that.


matrixkid29 t1_jef1rou wrote

well your healing is illegal so we're going to kindly ask you to return your happiness and in exchange we can give back your depression, PTSD and alcohol dependence. Please report to your nearest authority figures for sentencing and incarceration.


Shawnzilla85 t1_jefdau8 wrote

For real, I don’t like mixing them. And if I have to choose, I choose my mushrooms. So my experiment had positive side effects, along side the benefit of just being generally happier. I’m behind it 100%.


SlimeDragon t1_jeerx16 wrote

Which psychedelics? How often did you need to take them?


Butttouche t1_jegq92x wrote

Could you give me a little insight to what you did? I've been getting mixed information


Jacecam32 t1_jeeopr6 wrote

This is a study done with controlled administration of the psychedelics by therapy professionals. Not just a drug dealer


HollywoodThrill t1_jeep6gi wrote

So, a different road to the same destination?


RedRocksHigh t1_jeetfna wrote

Sorta. They would be scientific results derived from experimental design, rather than anecdotal evidence from personal experience.

It’s not to say their personal experience is wrong, but what happened in their experience may be different than someone else’s, or everyone else’s for that matter.

I personally think both roads will lead to the same destination, but that can’t be technically “proven” without experimental design being implemented to weed out bias/secondary factors.


HollywoodThrill t1_jeewbvh wrote

I 100% agree. Anecdotal data does not prove anything in the general sense. In this particular instance to anecdotal data correlates with the experimental data.


wrylark t1_jefze6y wrote

its the same road though? one is just taking a lot more notes during the process


popejubal t1_jeesq87 wrote

In related news, when there's a study done on injuries in hospitals, it's a controlled study with trained medical professionals.


...but I'm still going to perform first aid on myself or others when there's an immediate injury and professional medical help isn't available.


Jacecam32 t1_jeevxdl wrote

First aid... taught to you by... trained... medical... professionals?

Which would make you... a... trained in first aid medical professional?



needtofigureshitout t1_jeez7wk wrote

Being trained by trained professionals doesn't make you a trained professional.


mikecrash t1_jef2ga6 wrote

What does then?


needtofigureshitout t1_jef33ib wrote

The same thing that makes the difference between an amateur and a professional.


Jacecam32 t1_jefdxqq wrote

That doesn't answer the question. You seem to have this hard aversion to answering the question. Why is that?


needtofigureshitout t1_jeffui6 wrote

What is the question, dude?


Jacecam32 t1_jefgzzc wrote

It's literally posted. In multiple places by multiple people.

I'm beginning to think you're just playing bad faith on purpose


popejubal t1_jefop64 wrote

It's state licensure, you goon.


Jacecam32 t1_jefsf76 wrote

So only having a state license makes you a professional? Interesting theory. So what state license do basketball players get to make them professionals? What about wood workers? Do authors need state licenses to be considered professionals?


Comfortable-Eye679 t1_jeg67q6 wrote

If a doctor gives a 2 hour course on first aid to soldiers about to enter combat, they are not trained professionals. They just have very basic training on specific possible scenarios.


Jacecam32 t1_jef3398 wrote

It literally legally does.

You are seen as a competent trained professional for the purpose of first aid. So long as you keep to what you were trained to do.

But I would love to hear what you think makes a "trained" professional? Is it training from another professional? Or is it the legal certification? Or maybe I'm wrong. Please feel free to explain your idea in more detail


needtofigureshitout t1_jef3i2d wrote

Yeah being trained by a professional just makes you trained. Not necessarily a professional.


Jacecam32 t1_jef5nf6 wrote

I'm still waiting on that whole explanation. Or is this your attempt to dodge it? Hoping I'd forget what I asked you? Cause that's pretty bad faith if that's the case


needtofigureshitout t1_jefcdre wrote

Can't see you other comment, but what exactly is the question I'm dodging? Im telling you what i consider to be a trained professional and it's whether the person does it as a profession vs just having training. You can know first aid and not be a professional.


Jacecam32 t1_jeffz96 wrote

>Im telling you what i consider to be a trained professional

No you aren't. You are telling me what you think trained means. Which is entirely different. You keep dodging the question.

>You can know first aid and not be a professional.

You can be a professional and not know first aid. You can be a medical professional and not be a doctor.

Your argument is based off the vague idea you have and refuse to explain about what a professional is. Because to you, it's not someone trained. Not someone experienced. Not someone who know what they are doing. So again. How do you define that which you use as a goal post.


needtofigureshitout t1_jefh1yt wrote

How has anything i said implied what i think trained means? My entire point is that while a trained medical professional can give you training, it does not by default make you a trained medical professional. You just have medical training. I can get trained by a professional martial artist, but that doesn't make me a professional martial artist.


needtofigureshitout t1_jefkcop wrote

Cant see your other comment again, but I'm genuinely not sure what is unclear about the implication of my original comment. Being trained by a trained medical professional does not classify you as a trained medical professional, you just have medical training. If two people were available to provide me with first aid, one of which was a paramedic and the other was someone trained by a paramedic, i would ask the paramedic for help before the other person.


Jacecam32 t1_jeft4lv wrote

You can, but you refuse to scroll. Which is really isn't a reflection on my part to any degree.

Wow. Your while anecdote is entirely pointless to the conversation and another attempt to dodge the question I've repeated several times.

Good job showing how bad faith is all you can offer. Some might even call you a professional troll at this point. Just trolling and dodging and going on about random tangents not asked for or really valid to the discussion.

But it's cool to know you'd take the paramedic away from more serious issues to tend to your first aid despite someone else being there to help. It's really telling and helpful to explain why you refuse to answer the question.


needtofigureshitout t1_jefx4n1 wrote

It's a known glitch that happens with comments. I get a notification but can never see the comment unless i look on the user's profile.

I'm sorry that this is how you see it. But you've never clarified what the question is after i asked for clarification. If you can reiterate what exactly the question you want me to answer is, i will gladly try my best. I thought i was answering it but apparently i wasn't. Is it what i consider "trained" to mean? If so, then i consider training to be any education and practice that a person can get to do a certain thing. Does that answer the question?

I don't see how my anecdote is pointless as it is the paramedic's literal job to provide first aid. A person that has a first aid certification doesn't automatically become a paramedic.


needtofigureshitout t1_jegt23r wrote

Sorry, i must be misunderstanding what you are asking for. Could you please clarify what you would like me to answer?


Jacecam32 t1_jegvh5w wrote

Clearly you are misunderstanding.

It's been clear you've been intentionally doing it this entire time. Because you keep missing all the corrections I do.

So why should I act in good faith to your repeated demonstration of bad faith?

I already know you don't have a point or you would have looked back at any or all the corrections and clued in. But instead you lie and troll. Hoping I'll give up or give in. But I still stand by what I said.


needtofigureshitout t1_jef7ic0 wrote

What else is there to explain? You can be trained by a medical professional, but until you professionally do whatever you're trained in, you are an amateur.


patsky t1_jeedjkj wrote

Why do you think the alcohol lobbying is so anti drug? It's bc alcohol is the addictive drug, and they're anti cure.


Rickyspanish33 t1_jeeaezb wrote

My VA therapist said I could eventually get ketamine treatments that were showing amazing results after one visit but that I'd have spend a long while wasting time with useless antidepressants before they would allow it.


tyler1128 t1_jeeb3m9 wrote

I don't know about the VA system, but I personally use ketamine therapy and the process was much easier than I expected. I imagine the VA system is probably both slower and harder, as it always seems to be. MDMA therapy also has amazing results for PTSD and my ketamine provider thinks it will be legal within a year. It's exciting movement, but obviously for people suffering, too slow.


yorkiemom68 t1_jegte3k wrote

Join us at r/therapeuticketamine. Lots of information and information about providers. I have PTSD and it has been of enormous benefit after fighting it for 20 years.


RunForrestRun t1_jeeqne6 wrote

I've taken mushrooms, ketamine, and MDMA recreationally and it's very easy to see the therapeutic benefits. The ease at which they allow the user to 'open up' is almost magical. Be careful with ket and MDMA, though, as they can both be addictive and detrimental to your health if used too often. I personally won't use MDMA more than once every 4 months, but it's usually much longer. IMO, mushrooms are where the real magic is ;)


jonathanrdt t1_jeesquh wrote

The treatments are generally cash-only and cost $400-600 per treatment. It's frustrating that you must pay so much for a $10 street drug.

Edit: Apparently $20-25 is a more realistic price. Point stands: street drug is cheap; treatment is expensive.


Northshoresailin t1_jeez99u wrote

Check out joyous- it’s like $130 a month and includes dr consult and daily ketamine. No need to wait or stay on meds that don’t help.


mrgermy t1_jef9fz1 wrote

Someone else mentioned Joyous so I'll also recommend Mindbloom if you haven't looked into it already.

I started with two Mindbloom therapies and then gave Joyous a try but have gone back to Mindbloom.


OrgeGeorwell t1_jeetlvb wrote

Pretty sure there’s a Ketamine clinic in Chicago that’s affordable


Southern_Smoke_5979 t1_jegzau6 wrote

I paid out of pocket for a total of 6 sessions and it was very much worth it. I’ll also say that I didn’t have any medications on board at the time. I don’t think I’ll ever take another SSRI or the like again.


lara_jones t1_jeh2hhx wrote

You wouldn’t have to really take the antidepressants, would you? Is it just a matter of you telling the doctor they didn’t work?


Warrlock608 t1_jeeq25b wrote

I was a severe alcoholic for a long time and finally in 2021 I started microdosing psilocybin. My gameplan wasn't to stop drinking or anything, I just suddenly had a regular supply. Well after a few weeks I wasn't drinking nearly as much, and just had a light steady body high. 2 years later I have a beer every now and again, but I'm a far way off of drinking whole handles of whisky a day.

My story is 100% anecdotal, but whether it is psychosomatic or the real deal, I am now healthier than I ever was and have 0 cravings for alcohol.


jflo358 t1_jeerzmq wrote

Would you see a doctor for this? Grow your own shrooms? I want to try this so bad. I just don't know where to start.


Warrlock608 t1_jeesdrn wrote

Like I said none of this was intentional, my weed guy just offered to sell mushrooms to me. I've been to my share of music festivals and am no rookie so I said sure. Threw them in a coffee grinder and sprinkled the dust over peanut butter sandwiches. I also later tried psilocybin truffles in Amsterdam, I highly suggest.


jflo358 t1_jeeutnc wrote

Damn, I'm too old to know anyone who sells mushrooms haha.


RunForrestRun t1_jefdgrm wrote

They're super easy to grow if you're so inclined. Spores can be ordered online and I'm fairly certain they aren't illegal until they start producing psilocybin. Might want to research that, though...


Cumupin420 t1_jegngvh wrote

It's the zero cravings that gets me. Like I want to drink beer for the taste but the idea of alcohol's turns me off to it. Used to start thinking about drinking at 2pm then went to never thinking about it at all.

Starting to be socially acceptable now to, that's cool


DeletinMySocialMedia t1_jefy6gh wrote

Thank you for sharing, there’s so many anecdotal stories like yours with psychedelics, it’s a shame n crime for veterans to be denied at chance to try.


T1Pimp t1_jeehmlo wrote

It's been known for a long time that (LSD specifically) causes reduction in alcohol use.


chrisdh79 OP t1_jee6q50 wrote

From the article: A study of U.S. Special Operations Forces Veterans participating in an ibogaine and 5-MeO-DMT treatment in Mexico showed that participants treated with these psychedelic substances showed a significant reduction in alcohol misuse 1 month after the start of the treatment. These effects persisted 6 months later and there was also a strong reduction in symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder. The study was published in Military Psychology.

Participating in a war is a traumatic experience. Even for the highly trained personnel, elite soldiers chosen because of their outstanding physical and psychological resilience, exposure to combat situations, injuries and isolation have a profound adverse effect on health and well-being. To cope, many military veterans resort to drinking alcohol. Alcohol is the most misused substance by military personnel.

As a consequence of war experiences and psychological trauma caused by them, many veterans develop posttraumatic stress disorder or PTSD. The most well-known symptoms of PTSD include intrusive memories of the traumatic event(s), the so-called flashbacks, bad dreams and frightening thoughts. Symptoms also include higher pain tolerance, emotional numbing and many others. Available treatments for PTSD and alcohol misuse are limited in their effectiveness.

“As a trauma psychologist, I have spent several years working directly with children, adolescents, and adults (including veterans) exposed to atrociously traumatic experiences,” said study author Stacey Armstrong, a clinical psychologist and postdoctoral scholar at the Center for Psychedelic Drug Research and Education at The Ohio State University.

“In my clinical practice, it is essential that I utilize gold-standard, evidence-based treatments to address the functional impairment that often results from these events. However, while providing direct care to clients, many of whom were highly distressed, it became clear that too many were not responding to the established treatments. As I delivered these services, I became aware of and interested in the promising evidence from psychedelic-assisted therapy.”


TheHermitofHuron t1_jeewsv3 wrote

It's totally anecdotal, but a particularly unpleasant psylicibin trip prompted me to quit drinking.

I haven't had a drink in almost a decade.


lesChaps t1_jeevm4a wrote

So confirming the research from the 50s and 60s when LSD was a prescribed treatment for alcoholism.

Fun fact: jfk allegedly dropped acid recreationally on one occasion.


QncyFie t1_jefd7ed wrote

Magic shrooms are lovely and a harsh teacher


Rodot t1_jeecabt wrote

I wonder how the complex pharmacology of these two compounds compares in effectiveness to other psychedelics. Ibogaine is both a dissociative (like ketamine) and a psychedelic and 5-MeO-DMT is an atypical psychedelic that primarily acts through 5HT1A rather than 5HT2A (though it still has strong affinity for the latter)


needtofigureshitout t1_jef2wro wrote

That's interesting. DMT supposedly has negligible 5ht1a activity compared to 5ht2a (quite less than LSD) and it felt as a much more intense and profound experience, solitary and internal. LSD always felt "brighter" and connecting. I'm curious what 5 meo would be like now.


Cumupin420 t1_jego8xa wrote

If you're doing dmt right it doesn't seem more profound than lsd it simply is. I have never left this planet on lsd and I used to do way to high a dose. I've only met my guide or the aliens on mushrooms and dmt. Ket got close but to disassociative to transcend to different plane


needtofigureshitout t1_jegtjrp wrote

At 1mg lsd and 90ish mg dmt, i would say the lsd was more pleasant, and I've never broke through with dmt but i did learn about myself, whereas with lsd i felt like i learned more about the world.


A-Ham-Sandwich t1_jef6373 wrote

I've heard a lot of data about ibogaine being used in therapy because of its ability to allow self-reflection. Compounds like LSD DMT and psilocybin only actually give dissociative effects at very high levels. Where ibogaine gives dissociative effects at any point. So not only does it allow you to heavily disassociate but then the psychedelic properties allow you to interact with that dissociated personality and self-reflect.

Inconsidering a leading theory is that PTSD is from traumatic memories getting stored improperly into the brain having an experience with ibogaine would probably give the subject they brought opportunity to reexorb the data in a proper way.


Cumupin420 t1_jegor71 wrote

That is exactly what the theory is. I think mdma is more promising based only on the health risks with ibogaine, it's hard on your heart and liver or kidney (think liver). Check out mapps.Org they are studying mushrooms and mdma and where the first to start/get approved to do human studies. They also are focusing on vets and there partners. Super interesting


Pigs_in_the_Porridge t1_jegm87z wrote

Ibogaine's method of action is much different than psychedelics and it really doesn't belong in that category. Proponents often call it an "oneiric," meaning dream-inducing.

It also has a published nominal death rate of 1 in 300. It can cause bradycardia and anyone with a heart condition should absolutely avoid it.


vagueblur901 t1_jeeyz0l wrote

Funny things are changing I have been using psychedelics to treat my bipolar as well as PTSD. The rehab and governments take on it that it's a gateway drug and or you are using it to bridge addiction ( I disagree with them) because it got me to go from drinking every day but just having a few beers on a Holiday.


RoseaCreates t1_jef226z wrote

Fungus has helped my PTSD immensely, along with therapy


Shoehornblower t1_jeeqig7 wrote

Misuse…? They’re using it correctly. How about we say “overuse” if we’re afraid to call veterans abusers or addicts….


Thendofreason t1_jeespo0 wrote

I don't drink much. But I drink even less now that edibles are legal in my state.


AustinJG t1_jeetr6u wrote

Man, it was such a good idea for the government to ban this stuff for decades.

Good job, jackasses.


FallenPillar t1_jefj400 wrote

The M in PTSD stands for military.

We, those with PTSD, could all benefit.


wapniacl t1_jefon38 wrote

Major depressive disorder here - Is there any way to get psilocybin treatment legally in the he US? My job has random drug tests and I would have to be medically approved.


RustySnail420 t1_jeg012y wrote

Standard tests doesn't include psilocybin and it will clear the body in short time, 15 to 24 hours. Has helped me tremendously, and my GF took a trip last Friday lifting a big part of her half year worsening depression in half a day! (not major depr. but very disruptive)


yorkiemom68 t1_jegtrme wrote

Look into ketamine. It is legal with a prescription.


SockCucker3000 t1_jegd5o8 wrote

I'm 25 and have been on a conveyer belt of various medications for 12 years. I was on Klonopin for a decade and only recently got off it. Long-term use of Klonopin causes a 51% increased risk of Alhzeimer's later in life. I've had episodic memory issues since roughly the same time I went on Klonopin.

I don't want any child to be drugged, much less with something that could lead to horrifying long-term effects. These kinds of studies and advancements give me hope.


BatteryAcid67 t1_jefbq6f wrote

I have cPTSD anxiety and depression, they've helped me when I could get them, but I haven't been able to for years, and my alcoholism and cannabis use disorders have been creeping back up


Cumupin420 t1_jegn0bz wrote

The funny part is it's entirely a side effect. Was ketamine for me but I just totally lost all urge to drink. Went home and just stopped with a beer fridge full of good micro and macro brews. I was told it could happen but thought "yeah right, if you're looking for that sure" I didn't have a problem per say but I drank 4-5 beers 5 days a week then nothing for 3 years, started drinking again for a month and just don't like it anymore. I will have a drink on holidays/special occasions but just one. I do miss the taste of beer a lot though, just no urge to drink it. Crazy


AutoModerator t1_jee6nx9 wrote

Welcome to r/science! This is a heavily moderated subreddit in order to keep the discussion on science. However, we recognize that many people want to discuss how they feel the research relates to their own personal lives, so to give people a space to do that, personal anecdotes are allowed as responses to this comment. Any anecdotal comments elsewhere in the discussion will be removed and our normal comment rules apply to all other comments.

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.


Woodie626 t1_jeeahwz wrote

Over a decade and too many lives lost later, we're finally getting somewhere.


throwthisawayplsok t1_jeftjes wrote

A privately funded, non-VA study of US veterans taking place in Mexico, consented during course of normal treatment (in Mexico) with no mention of IRB review or approval, presumably from a large enough pool of US veterans in Mexico meeting the study criteria to meet statistical significance?

The data might be sound, idk, but where and how makes me suspicious.


surkacirvive t1_jeg2t82 wrote

In Colorado Ketamine treatments are covered by medicaid, it costs me a 47$ copay per session


Paluko t1_jegn6jf wrote

I live in Wisconsin and desperately need something like this. Most of Wisconsin does. But our state is never gonna approve this, let alone legal weed. Street drugs aren’t as safe as they used to be so guess we’re just sol


HaderTurul t1_jef3eus wrote

Well yeah. No need to abuse one substance when you're already abusing a different substance.


bonyolult_ t1_jefafes wrote

Wouldn't prescription by a medical professional be use, the antidote of abuse?