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RunForrestRun t1_jeepy4g wrote

I was a heavy drinker/smoker when I was young who turned into a 12 pack a week drinker as I progressed through adulthood and into fatherhood. I now no longer drink/smoke aside from a holiday or a truly special occasions and I feel like mushrooms are the main reason why.

I've been taking psychedelics for a long time, but over the past few years my very close friends and I have 3-4 heavy-dosed, therapeutic rejuvenators (tripcations) every year. Crying/laughing, discussing life and its ups and downs without anxiety, discussing things I normally don't discuss with people, becoming closer, and actually working to make things better in my/our lives are just a few of the benefits, or side effects, that have come from these quarterly sessions. Deep diving into health and addictions during our last few trips was the fuel I needed to stop being a regular drinker.

As I type this out, I'm packing my bags for our first therapy session of the year... I can't wait!!


reflUX_cAtalyst t1_jef2ihy wrote

I wish I could do this, but I have a panic disorder and that means no psychedelics. I've eaten hundreds of doses of LSD in my younger years, but I have absolutely ZERO want to trip since my last bad attack.

I do want to try microdosing though. Will look into acquiring a supply.


wrylark t1_jefz061 wrote

do you drink alcohol? I had no idea how much of my anxiety was stemming from the constant up and downs of daily drinking ..


OPengiun t1_jef8nqv wrote

>12 pack a week drinker

You mean 12 pack a day?


RunForrestRun t1_jefbtve wrote

No, I slowed down from about ~3 12 packs a week in my 20s to about ~12 beers/drinks a week into my 30s. I know it wasn't an 'out of control alcoholic' amount, but it was still having a legitimate, negative effect on my life because I always get a hangover no matter how little I drink. I'm a part-time stay at home dad and 'hungover dad' isn't the dad I wanted to be or continue being.


genediesel t1_jegm7w6 wrote

3 12 packs a week isn't even a lot for what most heavy drinkers would consider a heavy drinker. Just FYI. Heavy drinkers are like 8+ beers a night.


Alcoholhelps t1_jegnuhl wrote

At my worst I was…..18-24 a day….every day…(even work days.


RunForrestRun t1_jegrcd1 wrote

My bad, I didn't know that heavy drinker had a defined level. I was drinking amounts detrimental to my mental and physical health, but not drinking quite as much as the heaviest of drinkers.


jimbolikescr t1_jegzc3t wrote

It's just that 3 12 packs a week still seems like it takes some level of self control and I think typically people assume alcoholics are powerless to their addiction. But I'm happy for you!


mano-vijnana t1_jef49z7 wrote

What specific psychedelics/routine have you found most helpful for those, just out of curiosity? I've used LSD since it was available, but I'm not sure it's quite as good as the alternatives.


RunForrestRun t1_jef7c2k wrote

LSD is wonderful as well, but I personally don't think I open myself up on it to the level that I do with psilocybin. Routine-wise, it's pretty straightforward. We get our close knit group together somewhere safe and secure, set the mood with some music/lighting, get our doses straight, then we all just chill pretty quietly and comfortably until they kick in past any of the uneasiness that can occur during the come up. After that, it kind of all just organically comes together! Post-peak, we'll go for long walks and explore after the world has gone to sleep.

I usually have a passive plan going into it about things I'd like to talk about or work through - both good and bad. Feeling secure/safe wherever it is that you're doing it is pretty important IMO, as is being with people you trust and are comfortable with. Ironically, a couple hard seltzers help with come-up anxiety and it's one of the rare times where I'll have some drinks now. The fruity drink vibes well w/ the shrooms, too ;)


fakerjohn t1_jegz1pp wrote

Man, you are a lucky dude. I do not have that.