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phlurker t1_jasxilc wrote

Nice! I couldn't find any dealing with the Bifidobacterium too but it seems like there are yogurt starters with Bifidobacterium specifically and both Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus.


RiskHour2275 t1_jaua7bb wrote

Does this mean I should eat more yogurt?


phlurker t1_jaub4zc wrote

We probably won't know the right answer to that question for a few decades from now.

Once fecal microbiota transplantation becomes a thing (for IBS/Chron's/C. difficile colitis patients) and we collect longitudinal data of donors and recipients over a span of decades will we have a probable answer to that question.

> Does this mean I should eat more yogurt?

My gut feeling is yes though.