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orangutanoz t1_je3tbw9 wrote

No, I’ve stayed in shape my whole life but In 2017 I had a work related injury and many operations since and one still pending that will hopefully allow me to walk and balance properly. I eat right but I do love beer so if you’re not able to work it off you will gain weight. I’m able to bike and swim but weight training and treadmill are severely limited do to pain so I do what I can do. I’m currently six kilos overweight down from fifteen which most people think is completely fine but I don’t like carrying extra weight.


Sculptasquad t1_je47b2b wrote

>I’m able to bike and swim but weight training and treadmill are severely limited do to pain so I do what I can do.

And yet obviously not:

>I eat right but I do love beer so if you’re not able to work it off you will gain weight.

The WHO concluded that there is no safe level for consumption of alcohol.