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Jemeloo t1_jbcnyye wrote

I hate when they say they developed certain kind of accents. What happens is their speech is afflicted in such a way that it sounds like such-n-such accent


OneHumanPeOple t1_jbctqlq wrote

There was one woman who had a crappy British accent after a stroke and she even changed the word “dress” to “frock.” So it’s more complicated than just having pronunciation that sounds similar. The brain is attempting to copy a foreign accent.


CrossroadsWoman t1_jbdhe77 wrote

But the question is how would your brain even know to do that? I barely know what a frock is, I can’t imagine my brain suddenly using that word regularly. It’s just so crazy!


casino_alcohol t1_jbdwpgk wrote

I’m guessing it only does it to the extent that your brain knows it.

Also your brain probably knows what a frock is as you have likely heard it or read it in same way. Your conscience mind may not think or remember it, but your brain might still have that knowledge locked up somewhere.


Velbalenos t1_jbevzq9 wrote

It sounds a bit like some dreams - I can’t speak for everyone obviously - but I’ve had dreams when ive thought, or met something that I haven’t thought about in years. But it’s clearly locked in there somewhere.


WrathOfTheHydra t1_jbg2gze wrote

I took 4 years of French and have forgotten most of it. But I will have a dream once in a blue moon where I've had full-blown conversations with people in French. Even having woken up and checked some of the vocab used and it seems to have been at least mostly correct. Pisses me off because when awake I absolutely cannot speak French for the life of me. I think part of it is in dreams you don't need to feel careful or second guess yourself, idk.


Velbalenos t1_jbgmdfi wrote

That is just amazing, especially knowing so much detail. Really makes you think what else is locked up away in there, memories, experience, thoughts, and the potential of all that.


kptkrunch t1_jbfhghs wrote

Yeah, now everyone who read this thread has the potential to start calling dresses frocks if they were to develop foreign accent syndrome


dIoIIoIb t1_jbe33iy wrote

you know barely, but you do

it's like if the road you usually take to go to work is suddenly destroyed, so you're forced to take another one that you've almost never taken before, but you're pretty sure it arrives in the same place, eventually. Maybe it's twice as long or it goes through the Irish part of town, but it gets there.

When your brain gets damaged it stops being able to recall certain pieces of information but not others, some of its roads are broken and others aren't, so it has to work with what's left.

Memory is a network, you can completely forget certain things or skills or events while perfectly remembering others. the part of your brain that held "words I commonly use" gets damaged so it resorts to alternatives that is pretty sure mean the same thing


zzaman t1_jbe691s wrote

I wonder if different people have different parts of towns in their brain, or might we all have an irish/British brain detour


tacoaboutfox t1_jbed7am wrote

Ive had a few TBIs, the aphantasia is real. I used to study neurology, ironically, now I struggle joining words together.


QncyFie t1_jbe01w5 wrote

What the frock?


kitd t1_jbees1b wrote

It's another word for 'dress', more commonly used in some regions of the UK.


QncyFie t1_jbem2mo wrote

Aha, k let me rephrase my response then:

"What the frock, U K?"