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roodeeMental t1_jdets9g wrote

I live in the UK right now, and edibles are usually just homemade. The problem with them, is they're hard to regulate usage, effects take a while, and they can hit kinda hard all at once.

I smoke sativas because they're generally higher in THC, and I find it dampens the nerve problem very quickly. It seems degenerative this condition, if that's the right word, or progressive. After over a decade of usage for this condition, I've found personally 4 small paper spliffs (I mix lightly with tobacco), 2 in the morning and 2 at night is the minimum to keep me good - about 0.5g a day, even with progressive effects of this condition, dosage has remained fairly constant. May I ask what the condition is? THC is great for general neural on the brain, whereas CBD is better locally in my understanding


Lemonio t1_jdeufng wrote

I don’t think the exact condition is known - I can buy things legally here online, so perhaps something I will try


roodeeMental t1_jdeuu1d wrote

It's still a very unknown area. I wish you the best of luck!

If you don't want to smoke, there's always THC vape pens and oils. Experiment, it may change your life