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terpin t1_jdhxw41 wrote

Was it the topiramate induced angle closure, or another form of glaucoma?

Sorry to ask, but I've only been on it for a couple months and I'm going up another 25mg this weekend (it'll be my final uppage, my neuro won't go beyond 75mg for management for my condition.)


UtterTrashAcct t1_jdihx6r wrote

Topiramate induced. Was only on 50mg. Interestingly, a shocking amount of medications (especially antidepressants which are commonly prescribed) can also cause this in some instances. So many folks don’t research pharmaceuticals and their risks and I wonder about patient education (other than the often overlooked pharmacy insert) and physician/pharmacist follow up.


terpin t1_jdij6i1 wrote

Thanks for letting me know, I'll keep an eye on it. I've had some severe psychological side effects while on it but they seem to have worn off (but so did the effectiveness), hoping they won't repeat round two :(

I did some research myself and saw the manufacturer is in the middle of a lawsuit right now due to not educating patients about the risks of birth defects and blindness. Really sorry you went through that, I'm actually being treated for something to avoid blindness so I'm praying I don't get that. It's so hard to treat and this is the only thing that's helped me so far.


UtterTrashAcct t1_jdkxtot wrote

Glad to help. Yep, kinda hilariously ironic that they use it for patients with PTC/IIHT to prevent vision damage, but then it can cause further vision damage. Dunno wtaf they’re thinking.