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pixiegod t1_jbvrmp2 wrote

I was diagnosed with mood disorders and was on western medicine for years until I discovered LSD….now I do 2 trips a year where I center myself 0ver a weekend and I have not needed my mood disorder medicine…

From my perspective, this works amazingly well…I can’t wait till the studies prove this all out.


CreedyBabyBoi t1_jbvx40o wrote

See my comments above, they basically have proven this. I am so glad that there is a major community of people these days who are using psychedelic therapy in the ways that it should be. Massive amounts of historical context provide validity to the value of psychedelic substances when they are used as you have used them. Again, I really appreciate you pointing out that these substances don't "need" to be used in a prescriptive sense. Rather, prescriptive power should be used to help ensure the substances are given validity, as well as to ensure they are not used excessively (this abuse rarely happens as there is significant evidence to show they are not even remotely addictiveaddictive )