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quantumgpt t1_jc8rv0y wrote

I will be ordering an extract and cutting it with coconut oil until it's at my tolerance level and then include (R)ALA in my diet, as well as continue my carnitine. I mean I will to to do what it takes and I don't mind the discomfort during the day. It's when it's 3am and I'm bouncing my foot and tying knots around my toe to help with the pain just to sleep. It's rather annoying.


BlueSkyToday t1_jc8v67f wrote

I don't know that you'll be able to get anywhere close to 1.8g of R-ALA without supplementing.

I don't remember the three dosage levels that they tested but it was probably factors of two. If that's true, then the lowest dosage was 450mg a day, divided into three doses. And that wasn't as successful as higher doses.


quantumgpt t1_jc8wefu wrote

I'll definitely supplement. I just meant adding. Since I titrate a few things already. I found a process on how to extract the oil already. I would assume the oil is close to 100% after extraction. But to confirm how does one test something like that? Any idea?