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Revenge_of_the_User t1_jclfc3c wrote

My roomie works in a warehouse and his thought pattern under load is that if he takes a break, hes just going to have to do all that work anyway the next day, in addition to the rest of it.

So he cant enjoy days off, even if he got them. Its bonkers.


0002millertime t1_jcmnv7c wrote

The system is working exactly as designed.


Criticalhit_jk t1_jcniy9o wrote

And this, despite overwhelming evidence that shows they could be making more money if only their employees were well rested, well fed, well clothed, well homed and well educated.

You hear it alot, but it's always true. The cruelty is the point. They don't care how much they have - after a certain point increasing your buying power is meaningless after all. It's about having more than you and they'll go out of their way to stomp on the heads of anyone treading water to keep you there. They like how it feels


esotsmer t1_jcr7jvz wrote

It does not matter how much evidence you provide them


draculamilktoast t1_jcpd1bv wrote

If you're a billionaire and your victim has $1000, it's easier to take $500 away from them than to make another billion, because ultimately only relative wealth matters to human beings. If you're the victim, it's better to perform poorly by not taking breaks because you can claim to have done nothing wrong while punishing your owner by performing poorly. Working extremely hard without producing actual results is basically a form of quiet quitting which is immune to detection because all metrics point towards the quiet quitter being extremely productive.


greendude90 t1_jcqmm7k wrote

The system is designed in the favour of managers and corporates


prepaidmillions t1_jcqs8h7 wrote

Exactly if you are taking break then you would have to complete a work next day