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KingKongAintGotShitt t1_je27pbx wrote

That’s exactly what the sleep physicians said to me after I came back after my jaw surgery didn’t work. “I could have told you that wouldn’t work. Why don’t you try a different sleep apnea device for central sleep apnea?” Ya that didn’t work for me just like the other CPAP because my esophageal sphincter kept opening due to the pressure from the air causing severe abdominal pain. Now I play a didgeridoo every night and it does seem to help a bit but its not a perfect solution. I might go to an ear nose and throat doctor to see if nasal inflammation is the culprit.


IdesOfMarchCometh t1_je2dbwj wrote

One of my brothers managed to convince Kaiser to fix his deviated septum and now he sleeps better but yeah, a lot more people come to doctors with sleep apnea even after surgery and most kind of look down on it as a treatment for sleep apnea.