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cherry-medicine t1_jdo5cgk wrote

saying it causes “hormonal issues” doesn’t mean anything, obviously it causes hormonal changes because they ARE hormones and that’s their purpose. hormonal birth control actually decreases other types of cancers like endometrial and ovarian by 30-50%. there are risks and benefits to any medical intervention. no need to fear-monger


ItsJustATux t1_jdo8ieg wrote

Women and girls are not adequately warned about the dangers of birth control. Discussing these dangers is not “fear-mongering.”


hikehikebaby t1_jdoe8q4 wrote

"hormonal medicine causes hormonal issues" also isn't "discussing dangers," it's non specific nonsense. Of course work and girls should know the benefits and risks, but that's certainly not what that comment conveyed.


ItsJustATux t1_jdofkly wrote

Tone policing information women and girls need to survive and thrive isn’t helpful. Boomer women use this same logic to “protect” young women from learning the risks of childbirth. It’s not helpful.


hikehikebaby t1_jdofseh wrote

"causes hormonal issues" is made up nonsense that doesn't refer to any specific problem or reference any evidence. I'm not "tone policing." This is just nonsense.


Kiwifarmsfan t1_jdq3vik wrote

It’s not nonsense. When you mess with female sex hormones, their mood is inevitably affected and changed, potentially leading to things worse than acne and weight gain, like mental illness. Yeah. It’s total nonsense.


JoHaSa t1_jdqhbbi wrote

There are dangers in birth control. There are dangers in not taking birth control. Human life is largely about assessing different dangers. Sometimes it is really difficult and we need professional help in assessing the risks.

When discussing dangers of birth control we need to look at the whole picture. Not just some focal points.