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Kiosade t1_jd93gih wrote

Culex? Like the boss in Mario RPG? Weird


ntmrkd1 t1_jd9o46e wrote

I swear we're getting something for that soon. I keep seeing references to it on so many subs! NSO incoming please!


marketrent OP t1_jd86mmk wrote

Excerpt from the linked content^1,2 by Greg Allen:

>The mosquito — known by its scientific name of Culex lactator — is typically found in Central and South America. Researchers with the University of Florida Medical Entomology Laboratory first discovered it in a rural area near Miami in 2018.

>It's since spread to other counties in Southwest Florida.

>It's not known how the new mosquito was introduced into Florida. Scientists say climate change appears to be a factor that's making the state and other parts of the U.S. welcoming to non-native mosquitoes that can carry diseases.

>Mosquito biologist Lawrence Reeves is the lead author of a report on the newly-discovered species, published Wednesday in the Journal of Medical Entomology.

>He says, "There are about 90 mosquito species living in Florida, and that list is growing as new mosquito species are introduced to the state from elsewhere in the world."

>Reeves says little is known about Culex lactator, but it bears further study. It's a member of a group of mosquitoes known to carry the West Nile and St. Louis Encephalitis viruses.

>The U.S. faces public health challenges related to diseases like West Nile, dengue, and chikungunya, all of which are spread by non-native mosquitoes that have become established here.

>Reeves says, "We need to be vigilant for introductions of new mosquito species because each introduction comes with the possibility that the introduced species will facilitate the transmission of a mosquito-transmitted disease."

^1 A new tropical mosquito has come to Florida, 22 Mar. 2023,

^2 Lawrence E Reeves, Kristin E Sloyer, Kara Tyler-Julian, Rebecca Heinig, Atom Rosales, Candelaria Domingo, Nathan D Burkett-Cadena. Culex (Phenacomyia) lactator (Diptera: Culicidae) in southern Florida, USA: a new subgenus and species country record. Journal of Medical Entomology, 2023; tjad023.


Emhyr_var_Emreis_ t1_jd9g4fh wrote

This is exactly what I wanted to read as I prepare for my flight to Florida tomorrow.

At least I will be back on Saturday.


demwoodz t1_jdbtq1r wrote

Famous last words……


thisisprobablytrue t1_jdc5zwx wrote

He didn’t say how he was coming back


B00tek t1_jdcj6x2 wrote

He is also bringing the culex lactator back with him as well. And returning dosed up on the west nile virus too.


thiiiipppttt t1_jd9qks8 wrote

As if I needed another reason not to visit Florida


Dennyposts t1_jda2g2f wrote

Floridian mosquitos also known to transmit bath salts and meth, which is highly concentrated in their prey.


MostBotsAreBad t1_jd8nn3i wrote

I remember when I first saw predictions this would happen, back around 1990. Read an article that said "Learn the word arbovirus now, to save time."

It also said that the First World would suddenly make a real effort to find a cure for malaria. Made perfect sense. And then, suddenly, 'altruistically', First World funding for it went into high gear. The funding is good (Bill Gates still hasn't made even, but it's a good start), but the timing's a trifle suspicious.


therealdannyking t1_jd8qw3w wrote

You find it suspicious that scientific evidence is used to generate policy? Arboviruses have been a topic of concern since the discovery of yellow fever.


Sunshine9227 t1_jdam0yl wrote

Can another state gives us a break? another freaking mosquito! We have enough bugs already!


Spore_monger t1_jdat1au wrote

Reminds me of the Tomorrow People on 90s Nickelodeon. "Yes docta Culex."


guygeneric t1_jdazpju wrote

The only good thing about living in Florida is the chance that something will put you out of the misery of living in Florida


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Trudge34 t1_jd9pu2v wrote

Ahhh, locusts. You have come.


TheRageDragon t1_jdc0lt7 wrote

Just what we needed... mosquitoes with nipples.


Fusionism t1_jdc7jyl wrote

St. Louis Encephalitis makes you turn into ribs


TheKingNY t1_jdcmuzi wrote

Another good reason to stay far away from Florida


Yurastupidbitch t1_jdhhvmv wrote

There are so many damn mosquitos in FL that it might as well become the state bird.


Inappropriate_mind t1_jd8h69h wrote

Seems Florida is a hotbed of things that'll kill you and will be sinking into the ocean soon enough.

Does this really matter other than it's going to make their downfall more itchy?


One-Fan-7296 t1_jd8ae7r wrote

No one remembers the mosquitoes that were genetically altered set free in the keys a few years back. I wonder if there is a connection.


xynix_ie t1_jd8kdhs wrote

Many people remember.

Same sub family but totally different tribe than Aedes and totally different animal than Aedes Aegypti. They don't even breed in the same type of water.