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Getdeded t1_iqnmx10 wrote

Why have the diseases of those colonized never made they way back to Europe, something you never hear about


houseman1131 t1_iqooyfc wrote

Well syphilis is theorized to have come from theAmericas back to Europe. Which may have led to British judges wearing wigs.


matdex t1_iqoozip wrote

They didn't domestic many animals. Europe has cows, chickens, pigs, sheep, goats, etc and the close contact of humans and animals increased chances of diseased jumping species. Influenza from pigs & birds, pox and TB from cows, plague from rats and rodents.


faciepalm t1_iqofv74 wrote

basically there are none. Undeveloped civilisation of small isolated populations don't propagate diseases like the concentrated europe or asia did.