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PabloBablo t1_iuiv0ud wrote

Kids who are in a high stress environment (arguing parents, lack of attention/love) should first look at resolving those issues rather than therapy or antidepressants. The treatment can help, but if the home environment doesn't change the answer shouldn't be get them on more meds and therapy.

We are starting to understand more about how early environment can impact brain development and have lasting results. Parents play a major part in that. It's a far cry from the idea that early years have no lasting memories and therefore no impact on future development. Stressful/loud/ scary environments with no escape is tantamount to horror.

The science may be supporting this idea but society is not as aware of it yet.


adingo8urbaby t1_iuiwjpf wrote

Agreed, all the more reason for more research but as you’ve implied, also more psychological support for whole families. Maybe another form of early intervention based on bio markers is subsidized family therapy. I think we are still a long way from that kind of society though.