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rootmonkey t1_ir50w2i wrote

My father is suffering from colon cancer. I’ve been trying to make changes to my own diet. I’ve traditionally eaten lunch meat daily for many years due to convenience. I cut it out of my diet lately, and could be a coincidence but my bowel irritably has really improved. having his colon removed plus chemo did remove my fathers cancer but the cancer should up elsewhere later. Would be nice to have a cure, but preventing is better.


IngsocInnerParty t1_ir5flai wrote

> Would be nice to have a cure, but preventing is better.

Make sure to see a gastroenterologist and see if they want you to start yearly colonoscopies. They may also want to test you for Lynch Syndrome.

My mother had colon cancer and Lynch Syndrome. I had genetic testing done and found I have it too, so they want me to get a colonoscopy every year.


rootmonkey t1_ir5j74y wrote

Thanks for the tip, hope you avoid it. I’ve had one colonoscopy and have another planned this year. My sibiling has chrons.. so something I need to stay on top of. Sadly my father was getting regular colonoscopies but it didn’t catch it in time to avoid removing the colon. Will be nice with blood tests are the standard or supplement the other screenings.


gotchostupidass t1_ir5j6ec wrote

I’m sorry to hear about your father. I’m glad that he’s still here and that they were able to do something about. If I can suggest any changes to your diet, make sure that you have adequate fiber consumption. The weak association with colon cancer that is found with red meat consumption seems to be negated by adequate fiber consumption in studies.

And of course processed meats like lunch meat have clear association as carcinogens, like lunch meats, bacon, some sausages etc, so if you’re willing to cut them out that’s great! And the fact that you feel better if even better even if it isn’t due to cutting it. Do what feels best for you. If you’re a healthy individual, I wouldn’t be too scared of unprocessed lean cuts of red meat if you tolerate it okay. Always be sure to get your levels checked regularly, I believe every 5 years is what recommended but I try to go in once a year.