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adrianmonk t1_iubm1a3 wrote

>If you need to increase the spacing by 500% to improve LCOE by ~2% that's dumb, I'm sorry.

That's not what the study says, is it? At least not according to the way I read the article.

It seems like there is a trade-off between the cost of land and the energy output, and their analysis tells you where the sweet spot is in the middle. From the article:

> Through the modeling, the group ascertained that the optimal levelized cost of energy (LCOE) point was $0.29/kWh, with row spacing varying between 4.83 and 7.34 meters. With two-meter spacing, the LCOE was $0.33/kWh, and with 11 meters it was $0.36/kWh.

Note that very close spacing (2m) and very wide spacing (11m) are both worse than intermediate spacing (4.83-7.34m).

They mentioned agriculture, but I don't think their analysis takes that into account. I think it's just a perk that they're throwing out there as a conceivable side benefit of wider spacing.