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jl_theprofessor t1_itpl6ox wrote

Anecdotally, I’m fully vaccinated. I work out about 8 hours a week on average with a combination of aerobic and strength training exercise. Like tonight ran five miles then lifted weights for half an hour. I really haven’t been sick since last year.


thejml2000 t1_itpnoyi wrote

Though I only do about half that (but all of the vaxx though), I haven’t actually been sick in the last 5+ years. It’s awesome. Cheers to being healthy and active!


jl_theprofessor t1_itqmk6m wrote

I think the central goal is 150 minutes right? Sounds like you're way above the population yourself.


lupuscapabilis t1_itrdzxd wrote

It's amazing what it can do for you. My wife and I work out every weekday, have good diets, and are very rarely sick. It's strange to hear people say that masks have kept them from getting colds all the time. I'm not sure they realize that treating their body right will in fact prevent them from having colds all the time.