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Wagamaga OP t1_ir9mnk1 wrote

The wear and tear on the body from chronic and lifelong stress can also lead to an increased risk of dying from cancer, Medical College of Georgia researchers report.

That wear and tear, called allostatic load, refers to the cumulative effects of stress over time. “As a response to external stressors, your body releases a stress hormone called cortisol, and then once the stress is over, these levels should go back down,” says Dr. Justin Xavier Moore, epidemiologist at the Medical College of Georgia and Georgia Cancer Center. “However, if you have chronic, ongoing psychosocial stressors, that never allow you to ‘come down,’ then that can cause wear and tear on your body at a biological level.”

Investigators, led by Moore, performed a retrospective analysis of more than 41,000 people from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, or NHANES, collected between 1988-2019. That database includes baseline biological measures of participants — body mass index, diastolic and systolic blood pressure, total cholesterol, hemoglobin A1C (higher levels indicate a risk for diabetes), albumin and creatinine (both measures of kidney function) and C-reactive protein (a measure of inflammation) — that the researchers used to determine allostatic load. Those with a score of more than 3 were categorized as having high allostatic load.


Discount_gentleman t1_iralb4p wrote

I don't doubt the conclusion at all, but this sentence seems to make the study meaningless:

>Even without adjusting for any potential confounders like age, social demographics like race and sex...

If you don't adjust for confounders, what have you measured?


Kennyvee98 t1_irayyjl wrote

How do you measure allostatic load? Is anxiety allostatic buildup?


nitko87 t1_irc2pjx wrote

Is this similar in any way to that notion that animals can straight up die of stress? I have to imagine getting cancer is stressful, and if you’re already stressed all the time, more stress certainly isn’t helpful