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Celadorkable t1_iro2o1f wrote

I absolutely think this is the case.

I'm currently reading "Scattered Minds" by Gabor Mate, which links having depressed caretakers in early life to the development of ADHD. If his theory is accurate, then the nuclear family structure and lack of social support would also explain rising rates of ADHD.

We're social animals, but we've created a world where individualism is the goal. It's hardly surprising that so many people are struggling mentally.


Ok-Caterpillar-Girl t1_iro7ean wrote

ADHD is genetic.


hodlboo t1_irocpy2 wrote

New things can be learned about ADHD and it is not proven as 100% genetic. Science is always evolving.


DoodlerDude t1_irof4wz wrote

Sure, but not junk science


hodlboo t1_irolnvi wrote

It’s junk science to say definitively “ADHD is genetic” with no acknowledgment of the complexity and nuance behind ADHD


SecularMisanthropist t1_irokb3z wrote

ADHD is predominantly genetic, yes, but whether or not those genetics impact you and how disabling it is depends highly on epigenetics, the combination of your genes and your environment during your early years.