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Gastronomicus t1_irys9gg wrote

> The article does not mention people’s weight or level of food consumption as a factor at all.

Holy crap, read the damn article. It's literally about the effects of intermittent exercise on controlling skeletal muscle uptake of amino acids from food and discussion of how it influences blood sugar levels and insulin response with respect to diet. The entire basis of this field of study is on how prolonged sitting causes metabolic disruptions, exacerbated by excessive food intake.


Any-Teach9027 t1_iryuz1z wrote

Do you have access to the full article? Because the linked abstract do not mention diet at all and it only mentions muscle mass, not blood sugar levels, insulin resistance etc. I am just a casual reader of r/science bro, not an expert on whatever this field of study is. I am just going by the linked abstract.