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DigitalSteven1 t1_iryuuvr wrote

I feel like with a sample size that small, on a site that large, where the overwhelming majority of users are male, and over 1/3 of the study's OF user participants are female that this doesn't represent the average OF user.


Study stats:

  • 718 U.S. adult participants (avg. age 29)
  • 348 OnlyFans users (48% of participants)
  • 219 male (63%)
  • 129 female (37%)


OF Stats:

  • 175,000,000 users (1.9+ million creators)
  • Largest age group of users is 25-34 (? again, this comes from a small sample size of 1000, so who knows how accurate it is)
  • Avg. age of creators is 29 (? same issue as above)
  • 77% of users are male, 23% are female

348 OF users simply cannot represent 175 million users. The only way to get any worthwhile data would be if OF conducted this study about their users themselves.


Aldehyde1 t1_irz6fk5 wrote

It's a social science article with massive assumptions and flawed methodology - this sub's favorite.