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grumpijela t1_itew0oh wrote

I recently read in a psychology course, that dyslexia is more prevalent in English speaking countries because we don’t have a phonetic alphabet. As in, every letter in the alphabet is pronounced the same in an actual word.

Interesting. Was this mentioned in the article at all? Ima read it tomorrow, it’s bed time now haha.

Afterthought. So they found the genes, so this could potentially be another nature and nurture argument. You got the predisposition via genes, but being in an English speaking part of the world, you are more likely, via the environment, to activate those genes and thus have dyslexia.


whispered_profanity t1_itf8i73 wrote

Interesting. Dyslexic here and I also had a lot of trouble sight reading sheet music


gerundive t1_itimg2k wrote

very interesting (and for me very relevant) -- i have long argued that people who find it difficult to read sheet music are neither lazy nor stupid (which used to be the common themes of posts on this issue from guitarists who could read sheet music), but instead most likely have a form of dyslexia

similarly my argument with music publishing companies that refuse to provide tab accompaniment to sheet is that they are discriminating against a sector of the public by preventing them having access to music that they have made available to non-dyslexic musicians


whispered_profanity t1_itj8q4f wrote

Yeah I would like to think it’s my dyslexia, Lul. Tab is great. I also can’t go far up stairs without looking down at them.


hyggety_hyggety t1_itmt6bu wrote

That’s me. Which was embarrassing for voice until an instructor shared that Pavarotti couldn’t read music and sang by ear.


feverlast t1_itfyqe4 wrote

What was difficult, and how did you compensate?


whispered_profanity t1_itgayq8 wrote

It was very hard to just scan across and play what I saw. My trumpet teacher insisted I get my eyes checked, but they were 20/20 per usual.

I gave up sight reading/trumpet. I play guitar now by ear.


cheesefriesex t1_itflf2y wrote

I have also read this. I have also read that for speakers of more transparent languages, dyslexia manifests as a slower reading rate. So maybe the prevalence of dyslexia is the same but because it doesn’t have as much of a negative impact it goes undiagnosed in those countries.


Successful-Winter237 t1_itglssa wrote

English is a phonetic language, however there are more exceptions than in most similar languages… aka French, Spanish, Italian, etc.


Ok_Neck_9007 t1_itj20pb wrote

Find this interesting had no real problems writing or reading while attempting to learn Finnish, and heck I felt Chinese characters are easier than English at least for me(only got to beginner level so not fully reflective).