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gerundive t1_itimg2k wrote

very interesting (and for me very relevant) -- i have long argued that people who find it difficult to read sheet music are neither lazy nor stupid (which used to be the common themes of posts on this issue from guitarists who could read sheet music), but instead most likely have a form of dyslexia

similarly my argument with music publishing companies that refuse to provide tab accompaniment to sheet is that they are discriminating against a sector of the public by preventing them having access to music that they have made available to non-dyslexic musicians


whispered_profanity t1_itj8q4f wrote

Yeah I would like to think it’s my dyslexia, Lul. Tab is great. I also can’t go far up stairs without looking down at them.


hyggety_hyggety t1_itmt6bu wrote

That’s me. Which was embarrassing for voice until an instructor shared that Pavarotti couldn’t read music and sang by ear.