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kingofshling t1_itncjbd wrote

My parents made me start taking the meds after getting diagnosed in fourth grade. Took them up untill junior year of high-school. They do help you get uninteresting work done but the side effects are not worth it IMO. Loss of personality, depression when they wear off in the evening, loss of appetite, loss of interest in hobbies, insomnia.

A lot of the people who rave about them just started taking them. The more you take them, the less effective they are and you have to keep raising the dose. I’m at my happiest right now when I manage my symptoms with exercise and meditation. I do use adderall quick release once in a while if I really need to get some boring work done. I definitely would NOT take these everyday.


ExistingPosition5742 t1_itnhmet wrote

My ex husband was addicted to Adderall he started taking at 12. It has A LOT of negative effects over time.

I mean, it impacted him the way you think about meth impacting people. It just ruined his life. One of the doctors explained to me that it acts on your brain in some of the same ways as other stimulants, and over time it prevents your brain from learning to live without it, basically. Anyway, I'm very wary of it. I never knew people could get addicted to a kid's medicine.


MurrayMyBoy t1_itnuy0b wrote

My sister got addicted to Adderall,Ritalin, and Sudafed at the same time. She has been addicted for 20yrs and she moves and acts like a person addicted to meth . I believe she has psychosis/paranoia from it. She acts like any other addict. Causes non stop issues for the rest of the family. I believe she never had adhd and just wanted to something to get her moving before work. It’s destroyed everything in her life. So I say if someone feels they need medicated please take it slow and take the absolute minimum of the dose.


Ketosheep t1_itnjlg1 wrote

That is the approach my doctor and I are discussing, so I can have it available for when I have to get something boring done. I am 36 but i certainly wish I could finish unpacking my house after 3 years… and stop living in a messy pit.


Dragoness42 t1_itottvc wrote

My ex just self-medicated with massive amounts of caffeine. Of course, he built a tolerance and had to keep drinking more and more coffee just to be normal.

I tried to let my kid use caffeine in moderation as-needed to help with focus, but his school banned caffeine. Didn't ban Rx stimulants for ADHD diagnosed kids though. We're in the early stages of trying out meds for him.