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TipTapTips t1_is42vax wrote

It's not that they're greedy but they all represent business interests who are the driving cause behind... pretty much every single bit of environmental issues going on.

There's no way all the cute forest critters can out-donate a multi-billion companies who will provide jobs and business opportunities to the politician's town. Some do better than others such as the parties that have environmentalism 'front and centre' (green parties) but it's not really something that will be easy to 'fix'.


NiceMarmot12 t1_is4fvuf wrote

A great example in my neck in the woods as a wildlife biologist is Greater Sage Grouse. Mining is big out west, and so is ranching. These animals should have been listed truthfully as endangered a decade ago and it still has yet to happen.

However, because mining companies would have more restrictions for land grabs, and ranchers would have more problems with preventing overgrazing in habitat for Sage Grouse it hasn’t happened yet, and until they’re almost gone it won’t.

It’s all about money and it’s sad


batkave t1_is5frb5 wrote

>It's not that they're greedy

I beg to differ.