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Youth-in-AsiaS-247 t1_it53nbp wrote

Makes sense. They’ve certainly been acting like Neandrathals the last 2,000 years in that region. Constant war and territory disputes that no generation has enough time to forgive the other for.


TheGreat_War_Machine t1_it5qsx4 wrote

War and disputes have been a thing since at least the dawn of European civilizations, such as the Greeks, if not earlier. And it's not like Asia or Africa were not subject to constant wars, though they took different forms.

In Asia, a lot of wars, particularly the bloodiest ones, occurred in China as a result of regime changes or collapses of the empire. While WW2 is the bloodiest war in world history, China has its share of the other 9 bloodiest wars.


thirachil t1_it5x7z2 wrote

Not to mention the bloody European conquests on other continents.