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GrumpyMiddleAgeMan t1_isa55pe wrote

Because I don't think smoking a joint is a good thing, and even worse if I do it while I'm doing exercise. But I can be wrong. Hopefully haha. I would love to be wrong.


MoonWispr t1_isaishm wrote

Smoking in general isn't great, obviously, but if that's what it takes to get you active for now then it's worth it! If you can get edibles where you're at, same end effect but less smoke.

For some people exercise is it's own high, helps focus them. Helps remove distractions and stress of life. I think to get there you already have to be in shape enough to handle longer more intense sessions, though. So maybe a longer term goal!


candidateforhumanity t1_isd9quh wrote

Dude getting high can be FUN for some people but don't let marketing convince you that it's not always unhealthy.


kowalsko6879 t1_isqtoj8 wrote

Nice triple negative, maybe you should lay off the drugs