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6poundpuppy t1_isleww1 wrote

It is very good to know that exercise can help keep dementia at bay, however……I wish it had been specified what the study’s definition of exercise was, exactly. Walking? Or more rigorous exercise? For a non-scientist, but medically knowledgeable person, this was an interesting but highly technical scientific study with in depth explanations I couldn’t possibly understand, ultimately meaning I had to skim through 99% of it to find the meat of it….and I still do not know how much or what kind of exercise to focus on. I do actually realize this sub is probably not for lay people, but I’m a curious sort.


shadesofaltruism OP t1_isnfm1e wrote

This is how I look for what you're looking for:

> A human CNS study comparing individuals with high versus low or high versus medium lifetime activity^16 were the first and third top matches

There's a PDF of citation 16: which:

> All tissues were obtained from the midhippocampus region containing all hippocampal subfields. Participants were diagnosed as cognitively intact based on annual assessment of cognitive status using a battery of 19 cognitive tests, at which time they were additionally assessed for other lifestyle factors including cognitive frequency, social frequency, and depression, among other variables (Bennett et al., 2012). Participants underwent annual assessment of physical activity using actigraphs worn continuously over multiple days

...and here we find the full text of Bennett et al., 2012:

but there's no actigraphy data included in the paper, so likely the authors just had it on hand from this earlier data collection, and used it for the parent study that was posted.

The most you can glean from this is that having a high level of physical activity confers some benefit compared to sedentary behavior.