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Jonherenow t1_isaiqth wrote

So are the press depictions accurate or inaccurate? Is the press coverage biased or is the employment of responders biased or what? The path to solving a problem requires understanding the problem.


Killboypowerhed t1_isbbl1d wrote

I remember after Katrina there were images in the same article that described black people as looting and white people as gathering supplies.


iperus0351 t1_isc8t57 wrote

I remember that photo. The white people had food and perishables the black guy had a plasma TV. It’s important to think about social justice but sometimes the actions don’t support your values.

Be excellent to one another is a ongoing fight to be a good person.

If the demographic was flipped everyone would have forgotten that photo. It’s only controversial because it feeds the “look racism” button


kohlmanne t1_iscj0ri wrote

It’s always sunny did the same thing in their episode about looting


iperus0351 t1_iscjmat wrote

I feel like I should like that show more than I do. They just are horrible people.


kohlmanne t1_iscksr4 wrote

I just know they are good irl…Danny Devito is polar opposite from his character on the show…also I thinks it’s the funniest show ever so maybe I like the darker humor haha


pzerr t1_isdfd90 wrote

Danny getting pegged by the prostitute.

I am certain he gets a kick out of his work.


Jonherenow t1_isc459c wrote

That’s F’d up. Is that what is happening here?


random_noise t1_isge5y2 wrote

Or, Is there really a problem in the first place?

A raw picture is a fact if it has not been photoshopped or staged, what people use and do with that fact that can create volumes of truth and lies due to personal biases and agendas and simple misinterpretation.

Trained and certified FEMA responders come from across the country to places where they don't match the race of the target demographics.

I know at least 30 people who responded to Harvey and came from San Francisco and Seattle to help. All were white.


Jonherenow t1_isgok5s wrote

Thanks. A fact without its context can be a lie.


[deleted] t1_isb7o9g wrote



Skeptix_907 t1_isbdcm8 wrote

Where? I didn't find that part at all.

What I saw in the study was a simple observation that the people helping tended to be white and male, while the people hurt tend to be people of color. Which likely means one of two things- 1) either journalists are subconsciously racist and support racial stereotypes, or 2) that first responders (who are mostly white and male) as well as good Samaritans were disproportionately white and male.

It's not unlikely that the latter is true. People of color more often live in distressed areas that are more susceptible to natural disasters, often because of lower property values. If they were more likely to be affected by Harvey, the disparate race coverage was simply reflecting reality.


Ok-disaster2022 t1_isbe76u wrote

Yeah and the white volunteers also are the ones with the disposable incomes to take time off work, drive their truck pulling their private boat a few hours to help people.

Americans are generally pretty charitable regardless of race. But having resources to donate cna really impact the effectiveness of the donations.

So it's a tale as old as America: black people are forced to live is less attractive areas whereas their benefactors are a small minority of the total population who say or do something to help in a crisis.